Another Taken

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Bakugos POV

Kirishima had explained to me about his depression. It hurt him so many times. After awhile..he was okay. We talked through it. We were perfectly fine.

(Time skip brought to you by Dekus medical bill)

Something else popped up. Deku..It has only been two weeks since I was captured. And now he was gone. Deku had been taken by the L.O.V. We had no idea where they were..What does that dang hand-face want with us? Icey-Hot hadn't been outside the dorms since he was captured. He said he tried to stop them when they took him from his the middle of the night. Inko, Dekus mom, had been over to visit Icey-Hot. Apparently, it calmed him down. I really can't understand it.

Aizawa..he'd been on the search since three-thirty AM. Along with others. Icey-Hot had been crying for hours. I'm not sure why. Hm, must be missing something. Me and Kiri were on the couch. Inko was in Icey-Hots room at the moment. Round-Face and Creation girl were standing at his door. The TV had a breaking news alert and me and Kiri immediately focused our attention. "We have just received a sighting of the League of Villains," he began. "URURAKA! MOMO! GET TODOROKI AND INKO OUT HERE!!" Kiri yelled.

"They seem to have a teenager with him.."

Todoroki ran out and Inko walked over. "Yes..uh huh..yes. The suspect has been confirmed as Izuku Midoriya from UA" Inko gasped and almost fell over. Todoroki kneeled in front of the TV. He put his head to it and whispered, loud enough so I could here. "Don't worry love, we're coming.." Did he just say 'love'?

We headed to the city. Ururaka stayed with Inko back at the dorms. As we ran down the street we saw him. "MIDORIYA!!" To my surprise,it was Icey-Hot

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