Hermione rushes past Ron, hugging her books and sniffling in tears. I catch up to them and smack him on the back of the head.

"she heard you saying that, you need to stop."

Hermione disappears into the crowd, deeply hurt by Ron's words. I follow after her and I finally catch up to her. We sit in the bathroom all day, and I just try to be there for her.

"Hermione it's going to be ok, don't let them get to you. I think you're amazing, you already know all of the important spells."

Hermione emerges from a stall, wiping her eyes. I hear a noise and I slowly turn around.  Their is a large troll standing in front of me.

"Hermione hey back into the stall and duck down."

"What about you"

"Just do it, I'll be fine"

Hermione backs up, into the stall. the troll looks at me raises its club, he smashes the top part of the stalls. Hermione screams, the boys come into the bathroom.

"Alexis, move"

The troll smashes the remaining stalls. Herimone crawls out slowly. She starts yelling at the boys.

"Help! Help!"

The boys start throwing wood pieces at the troll.

"Hey, pea brain!"

Ron throws wood and hits the troll on the head. Hermione escapes from the stalls to under a sink, but the troll sees her and goes to smash her. It cracks the sink and barely misses Hermione. Harry cringes.

"Guys you need to get out of here, I'll get her"

"Ahhh! Help!"

Harry gets out his wand. He runs forward and grabs the troll's club, and is lifted up.

"Whooa! Whoa, whoa!"

He lands on the troll's head, and is hurled forward, then back, and his wand shoots up the troll's nose.


Ron and Hermione were disgusted by Harry's wand in the troll's nose. The troll snorts, and whips around. I grab my wand and I frown.

"Whoa, whoa whoa!"

The troll gets Harry off its head and is holding him by one leg, upside down.

"Do something!"

It gears up its club and swipes at Harry. He pulls himself up, then down. The troll swipes again.


The troll starts trying to hit him again. I walk closer to the Weasley and look at the troll.

"Hurry up!"

I wave my wand and slowly speak.

"Wingardium Leviosa!"

The club is lifted out of the troll's hand and hovers above its head. The troll looks up, confused, just as the club comes crashing back down.It hits the troll's head that hard and the troll wavers, then drops Harry, who crawls away, and slowly comes crashing down, knocking him out. Hermione approaches carefully, I move closer to her.

"Is it...dead?"

"I don't think so. Just knocked out."

He grabs his wand...which is covered in mucus.

"Ew. Troll bogies."

Harry wipes his wand on his robes. Suddenly, McGonagall, Snape and Quirrell come rushing in. They all gasp at the knocked out troll.

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