"What else screams slutty cheerleader? Then a huge baby bump" Sky said to herself, distracted by her baby bump in the mirror. Junior shakes out of feeling for Cameron and focuses his attention back on Sky.

"So how has track practices been? From the benches" Junior asked

"I'm grateful to even be able to watch the practices. Jazz is doing so well, she's going to be a superstar by the time of the Olympic trials" Sky compliments her sister, but still feels disappointed she'll miss the Olympic trials. Before Junior could ask Sky, how she felt. Jazz burst in with her eyes closed

"Are you two decent?" Jazz asked with her eyes still shut.

"You could've knocked before bursting in, to find that out," Sky asked, Jazz peeked with one eye, and saw they were fully clothed.

"Good, y'all aren't doing anything" Jazz walked over to the bed and sat down next to Junior. Sky turned around from the mirror to face Jazz. "I think Doug is seeing someone" Jazz starts, Sky's eyes widened

"I thought yall broke up?" Junior asked

"We're on a break, not broken up" Jazz corrected

"So what happened?" Sky asked

"I heard from Ana, that Doug has been spending a lot of time with Cindy-" Sky cut off Jazz

"Cindy who?"

"Mark, from the track team, his ex-girlfriend. They were all over each other last year. Remember" Jazz informed

"Right, they were disgustingly cute" Sky commented

"Yeah, before he cheated on her" Jazz reminded Sky

"Yeah. Niggas ain't shit" Sky sighed, Junior stayed silent because he knew that didn't apply to him.

"Anyway, Ana has seen Doug with Cindy a couple of times. They were seen walking together, and she was hanging out with him as he worked at the campus bookstore" Jazz groaned, visibly angry.

"Jazz, let's take a deep breath," Sky tells her sister because she knew exactly what her sister was thinking. "Before we resort to violence, I have to ask. What were the rules of y'all's break?" Sky asked

"Rules? What do you mean?"

"Like what were the conditions of this break? For example, did you tell him you expect him to stay loyal to you during the break?" Sky asked

"No, we didn't make any rules for the break. But he did say he'd wait for me, while I trained, I just assumed that it meant that we weren't going to be seeing anyone else" Jazz realized, and the anger in her face, dropped to worry.

"I guess what we have here is failure to communicate," Junior said in a southern accent, imitating a character from one of his favorite movies. Sky and Jazz both look at him very confused.

"The iconic line from Cool Hand Luke," Junior said, Jazz and Sky's faces were still drawing a blank. "Nevermind" Junior laid down on the bed and got on his phone.

"So y'all ain't talk about what taking a break entails?" Sky asked

"I thought it was common knowledge that it meant we're still together, but we just don't hang out often anymore," Jazz said

"Everyone has a different meaning for being on a break" Sky informed her. "You need to talk Doug, ASAP," Sky said, and Jazz sighed but nodded her head in agreement.

"I'll talk to him tomorrow"

"Okay, now that we've made a game plan for you. What do you think about the costume" Sky asked

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