The conversation continued like this till they got home

In the kitchen

Rose: We're having spaghetti tonight so help me with the pasta, Pasta Master.

Ted: I was 9 when I came up with that, why've you done this to me.

Ted said washing his hands.


9-year-old Ted is seen with wet noodles on his head singing a song.

Ted: Pasta, pasta, I'm the pasta masta.
Pasta, pasta, I control the pasta.

It went on like that for a while as Aunt Rose watched from the living room. Ted was a lot happier back then before he became a teenager, then he became so depressed you could see it.

Flashback end~

Rose: Felt like it.

She said before washing her hands.

Time skip. Ted's in bed about to go to sleep

Ted: Holy fuck today was tiring.

He sighs in the bliss that is his soft king-size bed.

Theo: Don't forget about that thing you've got to do in three months.

Ted: I'm so not looking forward to that, especially right after my birthday.

Ren: it's not that bad.

Ted: Yeah you try saying that after seeing what I've seen.

Ren: But I have seen what you've seen.

Ted: Those are blurry memories, I'm pretty sure that was just some random burglar.

After this short exchange of words, Ted goes to sleep.

Mind Palace~

Ted: God fucking damnit.

Ren: We talked about this, on weekends you train control of your Tick in here.

Theo: In this Mind Palace.

Ted: Why is it called a Mind Palace again?

Ted questioned the odd name for his segmented mindscape.


It's your boy Not here so the layout of the Mind Palace has three distinct segments.

One is a grey colour with deteriorating buildings spread about.

Another is a dark blue forest that looks to have been burned down.

The final one is a black wasteland that looks as if it was nuked flat

Okay, that's it bye guys, gals, and non-binary pals.


Ren: Because that's what it will eventually be, a giant palace that you'll eventually get to destroy with the battles we have. Now enough talk, now, we fight.

He says before rushing at Ted with a kick.

Ted with his arm's ablaze, blocks the kick with his arm's crossed in an X shape on his chest.

Ted retaliates with a kick of his own sending Ren into one of the decaying buildings

Ted charges into the building with his two fire clones appearing next to him.

Ren bursts out of the rubble with a rather blank expression on his face.

Before he can think of what to do next he's assaulted by the two clones.

The Boy of ThreeWhere stories live. Discover now