Agents of Inkopolis

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"So, what's something you've always wanted to see?" Tide asked as he stood with Shatter and Katsu in the center of Inkopolis square.
"Hmm, where do super sea snails live?"
Tide smiled, "The ocean"-- Shatter gasped, "You mean that deadly, raging body of water all cephalopod kind climbed out of? I've read about it! Let's go there!"
"Okay, but super sea snails are really rare, so don't get your hope up that you'll see one," Katsu warned.
"I won't, before we go let's stop by the cabin." Shatter grinned innocently.
"I thought you didn't like being around Cap'n?" Katsu's eyes narrowed.
"Eh, he's growing on me"

Back at the cabin Cap'n called for Tide to come over towards him.
"Agent Three! It finally arrived," he declared.
"What arrived?"
"The replacement for the hero headset you lost in battle awhile back"
"Ah yes, the one I lost. In battle," Tide chuckled, "Great news!"
"So, whaddya say, ready to get back into the fray? Go and splat those slimy Octarians?"
Tide glanced at Shatter, she was grinning at a skeptical looking Katsu. Looking up, Shatter noticed Tide watching them and waved.
"Sorry Cap'n, maybe another time" he turned and started jogging back to the girls.
"Ready to go?" he asked.
"Yep! I was just teaching Katsu some common Octarian greetings"
Tide eyed her suspiciously, "Are the greetings anything like a common Octarian battle cry?"
"Maybe, now enough waiting! Let's go!"
She kicked the grate off and jumped into hole. Tide turned to Katsu, "I don't recommend using those greetings to Octarians"
"I figured as much" Katsu drawled. Together they turned into squids and fell down the hole.

A short bus ride later the group emerged on the rocky shores marking the end of Inkopolis' boundaries. The salty air made Tide smile, but ache a little too. As the waves pounded the shore Tide couldn't help longing for his small seaside hometown. Going to school in Inkopolis was everything he ever wanted and more, but it didn't feel like home yet.

He blinked back to the present. Katsu and Shatter were climbing across small tide pools, dangerously close to the water.
"Careful!" Tide cautioned as he raced across the rocks after them. By the time he caught up Shatter was gingerly placing two sea snails by a clump of seaweed.
"Where'd you find the snails?"
"In Inkopolis square, they were just lying there. I couldn't leave them"
"Why are you leaving them out here?" Katsu commented, "Super sea snails are used as prizes for turfers. They're worth a small fortune"
"Ki Ki and Swayz jr. are more than some sort of messed up trophy!" Shatter protested, "They are sea snails. They belong in the sea"
"Fine, do what you want" Katsu grunted.

After spending a couple hours on the beach, including Shatter running a little too close for comfort towards the waves, the trio headed back to the square.
"Break times over, it's time for some train--" Katsu stumbled mid sentence as a group of inklings bumped into her as they migrated across the square.
"Hey, I think the Squid Sisters are about to make an announcement" Tide watched as the inklings scaled the ramp leading to a balcony that provided a window into the Inkopolis News production studio.
"Who are the Squid Sisters?" Shatter queried.
"Just some local celebrities. They film mainly the turf wars news. Want to see?" Tide asked.
"What about practice?" Katsu interjected.
"This will be fast," Tide grabbed Shatter's hand ran towards the balcony, "We'll be back in a minute, Katsu."

Weaving around squid kids, Tide gently picked his way to the front of the crowds. He was just in time.
"Hold onto your tentacles..."
"Its Inkopolis News Time!"
"Before we reveal the stages, some special news!"
"We recieved word from ... on high!"
"You don't mean?!"
"All future splatfests will be temporarily postponed"
"Woah--i mean-- that's good news for you. Since you won't have to suffer a crippling defeat, but for the rest of us..."
Callie's face crumpled momentarily into a pout before she continued.
"Anyways, with the great zapfish still missing the city will start promoting ways to save power"
"Including postponing new splatfests until our power source returns"
"We all got to do our part to help Inkopolis conserve power"
"Until next time"
"Stay fresh!"

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