Never Antagonize the One With the Weapon

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Kia spent the next couple of weeks mostly following her usual boring schedule: sleep, attempt to work the headset, stand guard, repeat. She didn't even visit any popular cavern squares to relax and listen to Octavio and Turquoise October music, dig through new trash piles, or explore any tunnel systems. Somehow her days seemed more exciting though. She didn't know when or where Three would show up next, and she constantly had her walkie talkie on in anticipation of the next 'breach'. Although Three rarely came down to steal zapfishes these days. Kia fondly smiled when she reflected on Three's improvement; his movements were much more fluid and his reaction time had improved. She didn't mind giving the Octarian's public enemy number one a few tips and tricks. Afterall, Kia thought smugly, Three could never be an actually threat, he's too weak. At least while she was teaching him the less developed kettles' zapfish were safe Although, there was no doubt in her mind that if Three reached more populated caverns the octoling squads, octosnipers, and octocommanders would easily take him out whether he had proper training or not. Now that Three finally grasped basic movement skills for fighters Kia had decided to start working on his aim the next time they'd meet.  Tide could barely hit anything outside of point blank range.

Kia was interrupted from her schemes when a visitor approached her humble abode.
"Well, well, well. Chief engineer Ida graces me with her presence", she drawled without bothering to look up at the intruder. A tall octoling with tentacles dyed black to show her rank stepped into the crate. The sea weed that adorned her head, another status symbol, crumpled when it hit the crate's low ceiling. Kia continued, "How long has it been, a year perhaps? Belated congratulations on your promotion to wasabi supply unit, you're really making a name for yourself".
The tall octoling grew flustered, "Ohh, don't call me that Ki, you haven't changed-", the octoling took in Kia's scarred tentacle and recluse residence filled with paper, "Well, I suppose you have changed a bit, but you're just as needling as ever".
"Why thank you Marina", Kia said drily, "I'm going to take that as a compliment. Anyways, what can I do for you? I bet you still secretly compose your own music even though you're embarrassed about it. We can make a deal, you let me hear what you're working on, and I'll share some fresh news. I've recently acquired some information about up and coming musicians from the surface you might be interested in hearing about".
Marina blushed with annoyance and sat on Kia's makeshift sponge mattress in a huff, "We both know that's not why I'm here".
"Rina, I don't know what you're talking about", Kia retorted in feigned ignorance.
"Kia, you've been associating with an inkling! You know that's not allowed; you have one job: shoot inklings. What were you thinking?!", Marina had stood back up, the sudden movement scattered brochures, scrolls, and Three's offerings everywhere. Kia calmly scooped them back up, carefully placing the brochures in front.
"Marina, have you been using your hacking skills to keep tabs on me? That's not very nice".

Marina faltered, but only for a second, "Well, what if I am. You've always been so reckless, it doesn't hurt to have someone watching your back". From several kettles over in a well to do station, Kia's mind grumbled before she pushed that train of thought away. Marina was her friend and Kia sort of looked up to her ever since elementary training, she wasn't going to let jealousy ruin their friendship. Kia blinked back to the present, Marina was still lecturing.
"And I was right, you have been up to something stupid. If I caught you hanging around the inkling some else surely will notice eventually, and then you'll be in big trouble. You're already on probation, who knows what will happen if you're caught now; even if you're not caught you should know by now that inklings are dangerous. He could hurt you"

Kia cleared her throat, time to plea her case.
"You know that inkling has a name", she started, before remembering that technically she didn't know Three's actually name.  She coughed, "He goes by Three, and yes I know inklings can be dangerous", she paused to throw in a pointed glare, but remembered it'd be rendered pointless by her eye-covering goggles.
"But trust me when I say Three is not a danger. In fact I'd go so far to say he is a greater danger to himself than anyone else. He's a total amateur, probably only achieved squid to humanoid transformations in the past six months, and he just doesn't have that spark for wanton destruction that certain other inklings or even octolings have".
Marina balked at Kia's tirade, "Ki, I make destructive robots, not splat innocent octotroopers. Besides we're talking about your destructive behavior right now, don't change the subject".

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