𝟏𝟐. / 𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐭, 𝐰𝐞𝐬𝐭, 𝐡𝐨𝐦𝐞'𝐬 𝐛𝐞𝐬𝐭

Bắt đầu từ đầu

"Someone in Nassau? Who?"

"Someone of power, someone-"

Frowning at the normally-talkative teen, Stella frowned in a mist of desperation and frustration. She needed the truth, so she could know what to do next. No matter how hard it'd be, she preferred to simply rip it off as a bandaid, instead of the suspense building up. The brunette looked amongst the two others, in hopes someone would say something but instead they avoided eye contact.

"Someone of power? Someone of power" she repeated to herself, focusing back on JJ. "Someon- my mother?"

He pressed his now-dry lips together, before nodding. "Yes."

"What do you mean, my mother? How did he find out- is she- is there where she is?"

"Pope believes so, he overheard Ward speaking although he spoke of no names, it was quite obvious. And if he is defending her, it means that they're both working with the police, most likely."

Her mouth dropped at the words she wasn't expecting on having been given, looking at Sarah who had become her closest support during this time, and her comforting eyes stared back. They were both in similar situations, so no words were needed.

"So, where are we heading?"

"Home." John B confirmed, looking back at her for a brief second.

"John B, that's crazy" Sarah hissed through her teeth. "You know they have eyes all over the island."

"What other suggestions do you have?"

She backed away at the higher tone in his voice and Stella stepped in, feeling somehow guilty about it all. "We'll have to get rid of the boat."

"Get rid of the boat, how?"

"It still has my Nassau tracking number, if you say they're controlling all over the island, an unfamiliar boat is the first thing they'll notice. Plus, if my mother is indeed there, she knows her boats."

The following hour, which they were oblivious to be their last one at sea, was spent discussing which better ways to get rid of the boat or simply hide it so it wouldn't throw them off the second they stepped foot on the island. Unfortunately, that meant having to jump out a tad bit earlier than expected.

They did have a security buoy on board that was split evenly during the long swim back to the closest spot on shore. From there on, they'd use the high leafage to hide amongst and find Pope's house — the safest place to overnight.

Unfortunately, due to sue a last minute escapade, this was their only way out.

The four made their way through the damp, half-swimming and half-stepping on the softer grounds that lead them to the board pontoon nearby. John B lead the pack, followed by Sarah, then Stella and finishing off with JJ.

His eyes were focused on the brunette in front of him, thinking back on the traumatic events that had proceeded earlier that day and how she could be coping with such.

It was now the darkest point of the night and the freezing water called for a not as warm summer evening. Through bags, he could see the tank-top wearing teen shaking with each step.

"Hey, are you good?" His hand touched her shoulder, as her icy-blue eyes stared back at him and nodding. "John B, we should be close right?"

"I can see the pontoon!"

Stella focused back on the queue in front of her, thankful for the teen's efforts to make her comfortable amidst the chaos.

"Are we all going to knock at Pope's door uninvited?" Sarah questioned, once they were all in safe ground.

"I'll do the talking" JJ started "but follow suit, I'm sure Heyward must still be working so luckily we'll have a safe breakthrough."

And so they did, JJ now lead the pack and made his way through the poorly-handed vegetation that covered Pope's backyard towards his back entrance. Although they kept it quiet, he could hear a car's engine turning off once they reached the back of the house and amongst concerns, the blonde teen offered to check it out.

The three stood in silence, now sitting around against the back of the house, as he took his fair share of time. The seconds that seemed to take an eternity brought the worst kind of ideas for the group, but once they heard steps, a familiar face turned the corner.

"Kie!" John B rushed to her side, just then facing Pope and JJ who now turned the corner.

The girl hugged her friend back, ignoring his wet appearance, which was covered by emotion. "You guys! How are you even alive?"

As the two hugged, the rest of the teens watched the scene as it represented a rather special moment for all. One that all of them thought never to experience again at some point.

"So I see you brought back a souvenir." Pope nudged JJ, after everyone had greeted each other and walked inside.

- ⋆ -

Luckily for them, the conservatory in Pope's house had been one of the pogue's many hide-outs since it was basically soundproof to the teen's parents. They were able to have a quick chat with the teens, even getting to meet the younger Clemont in person, but the exhaustion took over and they had to call it a night.

They went inside to decide for the last-minute sleeping arrangements, most likely in the basement, but Stella stood outside for a minute longer, contemplating the sunlight that brushed against the horizon — visible from Pope's division.

"It's not as warm as your home, but still beautiful to me."

Stella chuckled at the boy's comment, which was the only emotion her body could spare. "It's beautiful." She faced him once he brushed his shoulder against hers to stand by her side.

"I'm sorry for everything."

"None of it is your fault, JJ."

"I could have protected you, avoided that whole scene-"

"-I can protect myself" she interjected, before facing down "but, thank you. You were very kind today."

"Can't always be bad!"

A small smile brushed Stella's lips, as she turned to her right, engulfing his taller frame in a warm hug. He hesitated for a second, not used to the physical contact, before wrapping her arms around her waist. They stood this way for a second, before parting ways and noticing how close the other's face was.

Both were unsure of what to do, but the brunette shut her eyes and pressed her lips against his in a burst of emotion. Against caught off guard, his eyes took a second longer to ease into the kiss.

Their lips moved in sync, before she broke the contact and looked into his eyes for one last time, before heading back inside.

✧·゚: *✧·゚:* 

this book reached 100 votes !! 

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bless y'all

𝐍𝐀𝐒𝐒𝐀𝐔 ━ jj maybank (in edit);Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ