Chapter 24

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Lexa's POV

"Good morning girls," Abby says as we enter the kitchen. I spent all night holding Clarke as she slept, watching her chest rise and fall. I passed out halfway through whatever movie was playing and woke up to Clarke telling me we were back home.

"Morning mom," Clarke replies, grabbing a box of cereal and two bowls.

"Morning," I chime in pulling out a stool and taking a seat. Clarke starts to fix us breakfast, pouring milk into the cereal before bringing it over to us.

"Here you go," she says, placing a blow down in front of me and taking a seat next to me.

"Thanks," I say, tossing her a smile. 'I'm going to ask her to be mine today,' I decide, out of the blue. 'It's going to happen eventually... I hope, so why not now.'

"So anything you wanna do before we leave?" Clarke asks, taking a bit of cereal. "Our flight doesn't leave for a few hours."

"Yeah I got one," I answer, winking at her.

"So your surprising me now?"

"Yep," I say, before going back to my cereal.

"Is that so." She places her spoon down and turn towards me.

"Griffin, it's my turn," I say, smirking.

"I'm calling this car theft, you could get major time for this you know."

"Well, it would be kidnapping if your in the car with me," I say, correcting her.

"How about you stop with the cop talk and let Lexa take you on a date already," Abby chimes in. Clarkes face changes from confidence to defeat.

"Thank you Abby," I say, giving her a smile but her face remains serious.

"Don't thank me yet, me and you are gonna have a talk before you leave," she says before waking out of the room and motioning me to follow.

"Help," I whispers to Clarke as I reach my hand out for her to save me.

"Sorry babe, have fun," she replies pushing me out of the kitchen.

I walk out the door Abby left open for me, I saw her standing on the backyard porch over looking the pool.

"I just have a few things to say then you two can go on your way, ok?" Abby begins and I slowly nod my head. "Don't hurt her, Don't cheat on her, and please, please keep her safe," she finishes.

"I would never and I promise I will keep her safe."

"Thank you," Abby says, leaning in and giving me a hug. "Alright you two get going," she adds, pulling away. I smile and walk up stairs were Clarke was waiting.

"Hey," Clarke says, walking out of the bathroom. She was only wrapped in a towel and my eyes scanned up and down her body. Droplets of water flush from her hair as she ran her fingers through it. "Like what you see?" she asked, spinning around. I smirk, standing up from the bed and walking over to her.

"Of course," I whisper into her ear. I start to kiss her neck gently and I hear a small moan leave her mouth. She pushes me back onto the bed and straddles my lap. She started to make her way down my jaw line and onto my neck. She stoped at the most sensitive part, earning a moan out of me.

"Hey Clarke, are yo...." Her mom trails off, seeing what she has just walked into. "Sorry," she adds shutting the door quickly behind her.

"Forgot she was here," Clarke says, climbing off me and moving over to her closet."Will you at least tell me what I should wear," she adds.

"Something athletic," I say, giving her a small hint. She smiles and grabs some clothes before heading to the Bathroom.

I've decided I'm going to talk her a lake. It's a small hike but at the end of the trail there is a cliff you can rock climb on. I found it while we were on the plan and decided it would be fun. On the way there I would have to make one pit stop to grab the gear. I've done rock climbing most of my life so it shouldn't be too bad.


"Are we there yet," Clarke asks for the hundredth time.

"Actually, yes," I say as we pull into the parking lot.

"Finally!" She yells, ripping of the blindfold.

"I'm confused," she says, looking at he surroundings.

"Well, It's a hiking trail that leads to a nice cliff you can climb up," I say, getting out of the car and opening the trunk.

"Oooh I'm excited!" She says, kissing me on the cheek.

The scenery was beautiful but the girl next to me is all I had my on.

"Clarke, would you b...," the should of a ding interrupts the question I couldn't hold back. I quickly pull out to she if it's and emergency.

'Stay away from Clarke. Trust me you'll regret it if you don't.'

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