Chapter 8

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Clarke's POV

I watched in horror as I saw the screen move from 4:38 to 4:37. "They knew we were coming, "Lexa says starting at the screen. "We'll figure that out later, but know we need to get everyone one to safety, " I say pulling out a radio. "All units get out of her right now, we found a countdown and we aren't sure what it's for, set up a 2-mile blockade and make sure all of you are on the other side of it, Lexa and I and taking care of it, over, " I say into the radio without waiting for Lexa to reply. "What are we doing, " Lexa asks looking towards the door. "Making sure no one gets blown up, I say pulling out my phone and dialing a number. "I was wondering when you would call, " I hear an all so familiar voice say. "Hey raven, I know I suck but I kinda need your help right now, " I say watching the timer go down to 3:46. "What did you do, " she ask sarcastically. "Well nothing but I need your to help to disable a bomb in 3 minutes. "Shit Clarke, I see you and your new partner are having way more fun than we ever did, " she says with a small laugh. "Hello to you too, I would say more but now is not the time, " I hear Lexa say from beside me. "Alright show me what I'm working with, " she says and I flip the camera around and show her the screen. She started to explain how to disable the bomb while I did my best to follow along. The time sunk down to one minute and my anxiety increased. "Hey Griff, I can hear you mentally panicking from here, " she says laughing. "Well the time is at:50 and we still aren't done. " I say trying to calm myself down. "Well just hit enter and we should be, " she says and I hit press down on the enter key but nothing happens. "Nothing is happening," I say with panic in my voice spamming the key. "Shit, run you, morons, " she yells at us and we don't hesitate to second guess. We sprint out of the building as fast as we can and just I hear something explode Behind me I'm pushed forward. I hear words being yelled by who I am assuming is Raven but can't make anything out beyond the ringing in my ears. It slowly starts to fade I I can hear a faint "Clarke! Clarke! Are you ok?" I murmur what I think is a "Yes," and here a sigh of reliving on the other end of the phone. 'Lexa, ' I turn my head frantically looking for Lexa. I see her looking up at me from a few meters away looking relieved. I slowly stand up and move to go help Lexa get up. "Are you ok?" I ask and she gives me a slight nod. In the distance, I hear sirens coming this way. "Hey, guys! " I hear Raven hell from my phone an I move to go pick it up. "Don't worry Raven we are both ok, I'll call you tonight and check-in, " I say and then hang up. "Well that didn't go as planned, " I hear Lexa say with a small laugh behind me. "No kidding, " I say turning around to face her. "You're bleeding, " she says running up to me with her smile fading, "
"So are you, Sherlock, " I say smiling at her as she runs her finger over my cut eyebrow. I hear a car pull out behind us and paramedics run over towards us. After being checked out Chief Kane walks over to me. "So much for taking care of it," Kane says with a small smile. "We have it but something went wrong, kinda like that computer didn't trigger it at all, " I say to him trying to think what could've happened. "Interesting I'll have Monty look into it, get some rest tonight, and take a day off tomorrow, " he says before turning to walk away. "Wait, we have a lead to follow with that hair, " I say getting up from sitting on the ledge of the ambulance. "Well you did, but it came up empty, " he says then finally walks away. 'Damn it' I curse at myself, before walking off to go check on Lexa. "Hey you good, I say walking up to a familiar figure. "Yeah, besides the fact we have no more leads, I have a bullet wound in my shoulder, and a minor concussion. How about you? " She asks looking at the bandaged cut on my eyebrow. "Well stitches on my eyebrow, also a minor concussion, and no leads so you know just fantastic, " I say looking down at the ground slightly disappointed. "Get home and get some rest, and I'll talk to you tomorrow, " she says walking me over to where Finn is waiting for me in the car. "Ok and you too, Goodnight detective woods, " I say giving her a smile. "Goodnight detective Griffin, " she says giving me a smile and a nod then heading off to the car we drove her in.

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