Chapter Eighteen: Lloyd's Void

Start from the beginning

As Lloyd finished a fit of laughing, he reached over and touched Sybil's hand. "Let's go riding. You and me." He helped her up onto her horse before vaulting on his own. They rode out over to the river that ran by the farm. The flowing river stretched out as far as the eye could see. The far bank was only a couple meters away, the river being quite narrow at this section.

Lloyd reached over to Sybil and held her hand. Sybil felt the warmth of his touch and squeezed softly. Lloyd spoke "Hey, stop a minute." Sybil reigned her horse in at his side.

Lloyd clasped Sybil's hands and looked into her eyes "Sib, I have something to say. Ever since I met you, even before I knew you were princess-" Sybil held her breath in wait. Say it, she thought. Say it. "-Sybil, I lo-"

A twang pierced the stilled air. Sybil heard a guttural scream pierce the air. She felt herself being jolted off her horse and onto the ground. Scarlet blood dripped down her body. Sybil reached a shaking hand to her chest. She could feel the sticky wetness of blood but no puncture wound.

"Sybil," Lloyd croaked. Sybil looked up and stanched a scream. Lloyd sat drooping on his horse. His chest was punctured with a long arrow with a white feathered end. His blood soaked through his once pristine white shirt and dripped down onto Sybil. Sybil's eyes ere filled with utmost horror. "Sybil, I just wanted to say-" he coughed up blood. "I love you, Sib." And he fell.

Lloyd landed in a heap next to Sybil. The horses skittered back nervously. Sybil slowly got up before rushing over to Lloyd. "Lloyd!" She cried out, "Lloyd speak to me. Your okay!" Lloyd lay there motionless. She put her hand over his heart, not caring about the blood.

She couldn't feel a heartbeat "Lloyd. If you can her me, say something, anything!" Sybil heard hoofbeats approaching as she sobbed over Lloyd. "I love you too, Lloyd Harbor, I always have and I always will."

"So touching," said a cold voice.

Sybil looked up into his eyes and almost broke out into a new set of sobs. His once kind eyes gazed over her with disgust. His white feathered arrows stuck out of the quiver on his back. His bow was fixed with an arrow; the point gleaming at her in a wicked light.

"Why, Abel?" She asked in anguish. "Why did you do this to me?" Abel snarled at her "You are to be taken prisoner by me. My masters command it so,"

Sybil tried to hide behind the tree but Abel quickly directed his horse around the trunk.

"Help!" Sybil yelled out. She hoped her brother or Miranda would hear and would have the sense to find help.

Abel pointed the bow at her and pulled the arrow back. "Shut up or you can rest in the soil with your lover!" Sybil screamed for help one last time before shutting her mouth. "Get over here. Now!" Abel barked savagely.

Sybil slowly walked over. Abel grabbed her arm and pulled her on the horse behind him. Holding her arms with one hand, he grabbed a length of rope from his saddle bag and tied her hands together before looping the rope through his belt. He smiled wickedly at Sybil and adopted his old, friendly tone, except now it felt cruel to her ears "Let's ride, princess." He drove his horse into a gallop and they rode off into west, heading towards the caves behind the farmsteads.

Mathias heard the scream as it shattered the air. He knew that scream, it was the scream of a teenage girl when a spider had been held over her face.

Mathias turned towards Miranda "Sybil's in trouble." Mathias swung onto Lotus and set her into a gallop. The wind whistled in his ears as she jumped over a fallen long. Another scream cut the air like a knife. "Come on, Lotus," he mumbled.

Mathias set Lotus into an all-out sprint. The wind was no barrier. He loved this moment. He and the horse were like one speeding entity. He glanced up and saw as a rider in front of him took off. Two figures sat on the horse.

"Sybil!" Mathias screamed.

Lotus blurred towards her target. The rider and mount neared closer and closer. "Just a bit more, Lotus." Mathias prodded.


Sybil looked back as her brother rode toward her at an outstanding speed. Foolish boy, you should've gotten help. Abel turned around, his bow raised "I didn't want to kill your little brother, well I guess I have to at this point. Ten is so young to die," he sneered.

Sybil raised up and tried to shield Mathias from view. "Move it or I shoot him through you!" Abel yelled. Sybil felt her nerves chill but she steeled her thoughts. He needs me for his little master, he can't kill me as much as he says he would. Abel scowled when she didn't move at his threat. Abel pushed her face to the horse. He tied her with another length of rope, to the saddle, putting her in an excruciating position. She could barely turn he head up to see Abel once again point his bow at Mathias. He pulled back on the string and as he let go of the white death, Sybil let a scream fly from her mouth.

Mathias saw the struggle between the rider and Sybil and her being finally restricted. He saw the bow being quickly brought up and the twang as the arrow was released. Mathias opened his eyes wide with shock.

Time seemed to slow around him as the arrow flew at him. He saw the snowflake mane of his beloved horse billowing around her fawn neck, the blades of grass as the slowly passed beneath Lotus's pearl black hooves. The arrowhead zoomed at him at an alarming speed. The time around him felt thick and syrupy but the arrow speed as if at regular speed. I need to dodge or block this, Mathias thought worriedly, or else.

Time seemed to slow even more if possible and Mathias felt his head throb painfully. You must survive, a foreign voice echoed throughout his head. As the arrow whistled in the wind towards his heart, Mathias twisted in his saddle at the last second. With a sickening thunk, Mathias was flung from Lotus. Mathias landed heavily on the ground and cried out in pain.

A white feathered arrow stuck out of his shoulder. His royal blood gushed from the wound. Mathias attempted to sit up and cried out as the arrow dug in deeper. Lotus clopped over to her master and muzzled his neck. Mathias weakly patted at her fawn flank and tussled her white mane.

"Thanks, Lotus," he croaked. Mathias was more scared than he had ever been in his life. He had almost died in a matter of seconds that had seemed to stretch out to over a minute. He had peed his pants a little when he had thought of himself dying. He had no time to be embarrassed.

Mathias despaired. Before him was the Colorless Caverns. Numerous caves led into the cliffside at various points; he had no clue were his sister had gone.

DragonDog1: I hope you enjoyed that last chapter. I know it may have been a little bit of a shook but, hey. I know this may be confusing, but now the POV will split between Max, the brave main character, Sybil, the princess of Alerdreamia, and her little brother, Mathias, who's destiny is yet to be seen. Please comment and subscribe. Your opinions are important to me. Thanks.

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