Love At First Touch (Kidou)

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It’s been a few days since your first encounter with him, you two grew real close to each other and even started to meet at the library every free period.

You’d sometimes watch him during games and practices up to the extent that you can’t get him out of your mind. Each time you see him smile at your direction, you feel our right hand tingle. As if it was reminiscing the first time you two met and that the spark that you felt at that time was still there.

There’s no doubt about it. It’s love at first touch.

After practice that day, you and Kidou had to stay in the library for a research paper on Biology. No one else was there except for you and the two librarians who were working on their shift. Because he was tired, he fell asleep halfway through the paper.

You couldn’t help but notice how utterly adorable he looks as he rested his head on the table.

The tingling sensation was back on your hand, you couldn’t stop looking at him and you started to blush furiously.

“Kidou-kun, do you still remember how you and I met?” you whisper as you play with a lock of you (HC) hair and looked away blushing, “I always wanted to tell you that the moment our hands touched…it felt as if a spark was lighted inside of me. I couldn’t get you out of my mind and I can’t help but feel as though I’m the happiest girl alive when I’m with you. Kidou, it was definitely love at first touch…”

You were about to continue, but when you looked back at him a hand swiftly caressed your cheeks and his lips landed on yours.

At first you were surprised by the gesture, but you closed your eyes nonetheless. The sweet and chaste kiss lasted for a while and you enjoyed every minute of it.

When he pulled away, you stared deeply into those same vermillion eyes of his as he leaned closer to you and whispered, “I love you.”

~TIME SKIP~ (On the way to soccer practice the next day)

“Where do you plan to go today (FN)-chan?” Kidou said as he intertwined his hands with yours, making you blush.

“I don’t know. Wherever you want to go, I guess.”

“Anywhere’s fine as long as you’re with me.” Kidou answered with a peck on your cheeks.

“Onii-chan! You are so corny!” Haruna, Kidou’s younger sister teased from behind you. Everyone heard and landed their gaze on you and Kidou. You were so embarrassed that you hid behind Kidou’s shoulder.

You could see the obvious tint of scarlet on your boyfriend’s face as he smiled down at you.

“(FN),” Kidou called you before he lifted your chin and kissed you while he held your waist closer to him.

You could hear the team’s cheering on the other side of the field, but you managed to block them out as Kidou slowly let go of your waist and held your hand instead.

As always, the spark was still there.


I am soooooo sorry, I feel like its been forever since I last updated! But seriously, school has been driving me crazy and the trips to the hospital really tuckered me out. At most days, I’m either studying or resting up, cause seriously… the school I’m in is really pressuring us with tests, and projects and deadlines(that are impossible to meet!!!) then there’s this one teacher who really pisses me off because she gives us impossibly hard tests and she doesn’t even teach us one damn thing!

Its like whenever she’s there she’d be all, “take out your book and turn to pages… make some notes and review for the test next meeting.” Then she’ll take out her phone and play games until the freaking period is over!!!

I’m kinda vouching for honors so this kinda behavior from a teacher really pisses me off!!!

Guh~ I’m sorry you had to read that, I just needed something to get my anger out… phew, I feel much better now! Now on with the story!!!

How was it? haha I know I’m not really at my best when doing one-shots, but I hoped you like the effort I made. J

For those who kept supporting me, thank you all so much! Requests are still closed so I greatly apologize. There’s still like a ton of ideas that I wrote but I’ll try to squeeze in some of the pre-requested ideas you asked me to do.

I also apologize in advance if your requests take longer time to make than the other one-shots.

Please continue to support me and my works and if you have time, check out my other story “Unexpected” where my OC is Alexi… I hope you like it!



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