Rapunzel (Fudou)

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The sun was shining brightly and the birds were singing beautifully as they soar up into the sky enjoying every bit of freedom they were offered. While you on the other hand, were rotting away inside a high tower with no doors leading outside and no stairs to even get you down.

Just your luck huh?

Your (EC) eyes followed the birds as they flew and you thought about how it might've been if you were free too. But of course your adoptive mother thinks it's not safe for you to go out. Someone might do something horrible to you or hurt you when they find out about your hair.

Yeah... you kinda have this beautiful (HC) hair when you that glows every time you sing a particular song. It's not much... but it's really awesome to have especially when you're afraid of the dark. Then, 10 minutes after it had grown to almost the exact height of the tower, it'll revert back to its old length- just below the shoulders.

"(FN)! (FN)!... let down your hair. Hurry up, I don't have all day!" a familiar voice said down below your window. You let out a sigh and smiled a little when you saw your adoptive big brother, Fudou Akio.

He's 18 now, a bit older than you and looks hot as hell. He has this smile that melts your heart in seconds and a look that can make you weak in the knees. Like you, he's also been adopted by the Witch. Truth be told, she's a pretty nice lady to be around with and even if the villagers claim that she's an evil sorcerer, you knew in your heart what a kind lady the witch really was.

"(FN), please hurry up. I'm melting here!" Fudou said as he held on to the hood of the cloak he was wearing. He hates the sunlight.

"I'm coming! Just wait a while longer."

You started singing that special song and in less than a minute, your hair was long enough to reach the foot of the tower. Because of that, Fudou was able to climb safely inside the tower.

"I brought you some breakfast." He said as he took off his cloak and set it on the coat hanger beside the window and held out a basket full of goodies. "I'll cook it for you while your hair gets back to normal, alright?"

You nodded and smiled as you took your seat at the edge of the bed.

While Fudou was cooking, you thought about how much you love the way Fudou treats you. He's a great big brother... but you're afraid that that's all he can be- a brother.

"What's wrong with you today? You seem out of it." he asked with his back turned.

"N-nothing's wrong." You answered, "I was just wondering where mom went."

"She's sorry she can't be with you today, she's just a bit busy."

"She's always busy."

Fudou stopped what he was doing and shot you a pleading look. "Come on (FN), don't be like that. You know she's just making sure we're safe, right?"

"You're one to talk...you get to be outside. You can mingle with anyone you want and meet other people. I on the other hand... am stuck here getting jealous of birds as they pass by my window.

Fudou said nothing at first and just went back to cooking. After a while, he presented a plate of your favourite omelette and with a grin said, "I'll stay here as long as you want me to; that way, you won't get lonely anymore. Does that sound good?"

A bright smile graced your lips as you tackled Fudou for a hug. He laid the plate in his hand on the table and picked you up in a hug and spun you around.

"I'll take that as a 'yes'."

So, he did.

He stayed with you the whole day playing cards, exchanging stories, cooking and eating. At dinner time, you sat at the table with Fudou, eating the meal you both prepared. He then started to notice that you were staring longingly outside the window but he didn't say a word. After doing the dishes and cleaning up what's left, Fudou was fixing his things so he could leave and you just finished singing to get your hair to grow.

"(FN) tell me what's wrong." He said as he noticed your sad expression.

"Nothing's wrong." You answered.

"I doubt that."

"I swear! Nothing's wrong!"

Fudou clicked his tongue, obviously pissed off that you kept something from him. After a few moments he sighed and turned to you. "How about we go out tomorrow evening? See the village?"

Your eyes widened as you asked him, "Really? Will that be ok?"

He smiled, "I'll ask mother when I get back. I'm sure she'll let us, I'll be there to protect you. So are you in?"

"Yeah!" you said hugging him to the point that you two almost fell off the ledge.

Fudou pulled away and kissed your hand and your cheek before he hurriedly went down the tower with a small tint of blush on his face...

You stood there with your hand on the cheek where he kissed you... bewildered. Your heart still fluttered like crazy with only one thing in your mind...You're in love with Fudou Akio, and you have a date with him tomorrow night.


Me: we can check Fudou off the list!

Fudou: I was so corny... *blush* the fudge did you made me do Akira?

Me: I'm trying to give the reader's what they want *smiles brightly* as compensation from the notebook I lost...

Toramaru: so for one-chan's dear readers: PLEASE WAIT TILL THE END OF THE SPECIALS FINALE~ TO MAKE YOUE REQUESTS AGAIN. Although, all throughout the SPECIALS~ SERIES, you guys are still welcomed to vote for your favourite character :3

Me: thank you Maru-chan *hugs him from the back*

Fudou: *sighs* anyway, the next character who'll be featured is Fubuki-kun, who got the second highest votes.

Me and Toramaru: see you~

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