hi there :)

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Yo minna~ I'm currently working on my other stories and school an such. So just keep on voting for your favorite characters for SPECIALS~ part 2 :)

Anyway... I'm kinda bummed out about an activity we had this morning... let me just get this out of my chest ok? Thanks.

So our Practical Spoken English Program teacher asked us to make a 4-5 poem and deliver it in front. I knew it was my time to shine cuz, I don't mean to brag but I'm kinda good at these kinda things :) and I'm the best speaker in our whole class ;) (I know, I know... I'm being too prideful.. sorry... :( )

So I made this simple, unextravagant, and completely rushed poem:

Who did it?

Once upon a November's night,
in a manor atop a hill.
At the East Wing study, a gruesome sight;
The Baron's body lay, dead and still.

Stabbed on the chest with a kitchen knife,
he laid on his his back lifeless.
Around him stood his petrified wife;
His daughter, a butler and a mistress.

No one came in nor anyone went out,
that evening when the crime was committed.
At the strike of midnight when there came a shout;
Then and there the Baron's life had ended.

Who could've done this awful crime?
Surely not the wife who was sleeping?
Nor could it be the butler who was killing time;
Nor the mistress who stayed up cleaning.

It couldn't have been the sweet little girl,
who's now crying at her father's side.
Who did this then? When will the crime unfurl?
Or perhaps... it was just suicide?


My delivery was spot on and everything from voice modulation to facial expression was perfect... but I had no recognition whatsoever. It was like I didn't even perform. My classmates liked it but the teacher looked bored as she heard it...

But then when it was someone else's turn, the teacher gave her a perfect score because "supposedly" her poem was about effin' "love" and that according to the teacher, "everybody felt it" or some shit (even though there are some of us who kept on being passive about the topic). May I just remind you that this is a Practical SPOKEN English class, not a "CLASS FOR ALL HOPELESS ROMANTICS"

The teacher's method was unreasonable and was completely off! She based it off from the "emotional" factor and completely ignored the whole rubric! In fact, I was a bit pissed off about how shallow some of them were and how biased the whole thing was. I don't blame the girl who made the love poem, I blame the teacher and everyone else who can't seem to grow out of their "childish romantic depression"...

No offense to you guys out there :) but I'm talking about my class.. you'd think a group of college students would actually have good taste in literary works, but some of them just... don't. They think a poem about a "never ending love that vowed to wait forever" was better than a poem about someone's gratitude for their parent or a simulating poem that actually makes you THINK.

But nooooooo! They think a poem about a tragic love story is WAYYYYY BETTER than a poem about Peace on Earth or a word of gratitude for a father... can you believe how shallow that is?

This totally pissed me off because I felt bad about those unrecognized poems that didn't get as much glory as THAT ONE POEM ABOUT SOME TRAGIC LOVE STORY.

Those poems had heart! They showed affection, retribution and gratification!

My poem was a bit well-thought and is stimulating if one studies it. It sent thrills and shivers to most of my class.

And yet that CERTAIN teacher liked the one with a tragic (its not really THAT tragic.. its just about a girl who promise to keep waiting etc etc... haven't heard it properly.. sorry) story than the ones with actual HEART.

Why? Why?!


Sorry about that... I just really needed to let that fume out...sorry for the horrible things I said... this experience just.. made me feel so down and useless.. like I'm not even good at the things I thought I was good at... this really tore up my self-esteem. *sniff* it hurts so bad.. it makes me feel like I'm no good of a writer... and here I thought I was good enough....

Anyway, that's all for now. Watch out for the next updates :)

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