Her hair was in soft waves around her face, flowers and leaves were woven into her hair.

"The verdict is," Zeus said, "that you are granted the permission to go to the Underworld, but you have certain restrictions."

She nodded. "And those are?"

"You cannot enter Erebos. You cannot make use of reincarnation. If you meddle in any business that's not under your responsibility, you will be banished for a period of time. Hades, Macaria, Zagreus and Melinoë will all have to agree if you are to leave the Underworld. Also, you are not to be in the Underworld if Hades is not there."

Persephone nodded.

"Meeting dismissed!" Zeus said. He looked at me. "Do you have a minute?"

"Sure," I said.

Everyone else filed out of the room, Persephone included. The door was shut – yes, we had reached doors in Olympus though Zeus liked to stick to the old Greek style.

"So," he said and sat down.

"So," I said, already bored by this conversation.

Zeus leaned forward. "Melinoë, do you think Hades has any say in who Macaria wants to have around when she's giving birth?"

"No," I said. "I know my sister pretty well, and I have this theory that she'd want me, Eileithyia, Hades and Matthew there. I'm not sure I want to, though."

Zeus smiled. "Why not Persephone?"

I shrugged. "I just don't see it happening."

Zeus nodded.

"Can I go now? I want to deliver this to Hades?"

"Sure," Zeus said. "I just need to know which side to be on, when Persephone starts to fight for her right to be there."

"It's Macaria's decision through and through."

"Yes," Zeus said.


I was staring into space, trying not to think. Not that it worked. When I diverted my attention from Stella, I thought of how much Persephone pissed me off with her righteousness.

A knock on my door broke my train of thought.

"Yes?" I asked.

Melinoë poked her head inside. "Do you have a minute?"

"Yeah, just come in," I said.

She entered, shut the door and sat down next to me on the bed. "Persephone is allowed back to the Underworld," she said. "Erebos is off limits, you have to be there, and if all four of us agree that she has to go, she has to go. If she meddles in something that's not her business, she has to go. And reincarnations are off limits."

"Thank you," I said.

Melinoë smiled a dead smile.

"Are you okay?" I asked, worried.

She shrugged. "How much do I enjoy these meetings?"

I smiled. "Oh, honey, we're in the same situation there."

Hades IIIWhere stories live. Discover now