Chapter 21

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"You don't need to." Yerin responded. "Your parents are like mine, aren't they. Always pretending for the press, faking the perfect family?"

Jaemin paused before nodding his head. "That's right."

Yering took a deep breath. It was hard to take everything in, but she knew it was probably harder for Jaemin who had to keep it to himself the entire time.

"Do the others know?" Yerin asked.

"Like the other 00's?" Yerin nodded. "Yeah, they do."

Yerin reached out, taking Jaemin's hand and giving it a squeeze.

"Come on, why don't we go inside instead of sitting in this car?" Yerin suggested.

Jaemin chuckled. "Sounds like a great idea."


Jaemin was happy to see that Yerin was getting along with his roommates as she showed them the pictures they had taken.

"Whoa, Na Jaemin's all grown up." Jaemin heard Haechan comment from the kitchen.

"What are we making tonight?" Renjun asked, rolling up his sleeves as he grabbed an apron.

"I don't know." Jaemin said, peering into the fridge. "Samgyeopsal?"

"Sure." Renjun said, pulling out the kitchen utensils they needed.

The two began preparing the meal for the five of them that night. As they cooked, Renjun asked his friend about his day.

"You two seem awfully close, did something happen?" Renjun asked.

"No." Jaemin immediately replied but the smile on his face was enough for Renjun to know that something had happened.

"Did you two kiss or something?" Renjun casually asked, making Jaemin's mouth hang open.

"How did you know?" Jaemin asked, making Renjun's eyes widen.

"Omo, I was just joking but I can't believe you." Renjun said before smirking. "Wah, Na Jaemin's really all grown up."

"Yah, shut up before they hear you." Jaemin exclaimed, smacking his friend but unfortunately, the hoots from Haechan in the living room was enough to notify them they had heard it all.

Renjun shook his head. "Wow, I can't believe that you really fell in love all over again."

"Me neither." Jaemin admitted. "But this time it feels so much better."


Yerin really liked Jaemin's friends. She liked Jisung and Chenle too, but it was nice to finally be with people her age.

The boys were funny and goofy but also sometimes had deep thoughts. She found it interesting how they could go from making fun of each other to talking about serious topics within a few minutes.

Renjun and Haechan always kept it interesting, constantly bickering yet also hugging each other tightly at the same time.

Yerin appreciated how Jeno seemed to accept her relationship with Jaemin. He was a lot nicer to her, helping her out when Jaemin was cooking with Renjun.

After dinner, the boys each had their own assignments and projects to do. Haechan worked on his music with Renjun sketching new fashion designs, the two boys in their own rooms.

Jeno was reviewing his script while on call with Ara in his room he shared with Jaemin, so Jaemin had brought his laptop over to the guest room where Yerin had already gotten settled.

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