Chapter 46

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Three years earlier.....

Nakul was fuming in anger as he heard about Dhristyadym going to Dravida with his marriage proposal for Drisana. How dare he! He knew Nakul and Drisana loved each other. It was in front of him that Yudhisthir asked for Drisana's hand from Balaram and Vasudev. How could he even dare to think about Drisana? All Nakul wanted in that moment was to kill Dhristyadym. He wasn't able to stop himself and came to Dravida to meet Drisana. What he saw and heard after coming here, made his blood boiled.

How could she do that???!!!!

How could she even think about it???

Nakul never thought Drisana would betray him like this. He stood frozen as he watched Dhristyadym leave. Drisana was alone now, lost in thoughts. Nakul went to her without wasting a moment. He didn't care if someone saw him. He wanted answer. Answer as to why Drisana chose to betray him and his brothers like this.

"Nakul!" Drisana whispered his name as he jerked her towards him.

"Why?" Nakul asked.

"What are you talking about? " Drisana asked in a shaky voice. She had a very bad feeling that he heard everything. If so, how was she going to explain it?

"I heard everything, Drisana. No point in pretending. I never thought you can do something like this. How could you? How could you betray me like this?" Nakul asked holding her close from her arms. His eyes were red and glistening with tears.

"I will never betray you Nakul. Whatever I do, it's for everyone's welfare." Drisana whispered. Her eyes were teary too. There was no going back now.

"Welfare???!!!!!!! Everyone's welfare???!!!!!!!!!!! Which welfare are you talking about? Whose welfare is going to happen by this?" Nakul shouted at her. This was the first time he ever raised his voice on her.

"What's the point in telling when you won't believe anything I say? When you're questioning my love, my dedication to you? When you're doubting my intentions? Why should I explain when you won't accept it?" Drisana shouted the last part. She knew there was no point in explaining anything right now.

"I can't believe this. After what I just heard, you're going to tell me you did nothing wrong?" Nakul asked gritting his teeth.

"I never claimed to be a saint. What you heard is not wrong. But have you stopped to think what maybe the reason behind it? I told you Nakul, I don't have the same sense of Dharma like you and your brothers. But I love you and I'll always stay true to my love." Drisana said as tears slipped from her eyes freely. She was hurting not because he was angry. He had every right to be. But she was afraid of losing him, that fear was hurting her.

"You want answers? Then come when you're ready to accept them." Drisana said wiping her tears and calming a bit. It wasn't his fault he reacted like that. Anyone in his place would react like that or much worse.

Afterall, he had just heard Drisana give a promise to Dhristyadym that could take the life of the man who was like a father to him.

Who made him what he was today.

Whom he owed everything he learned.

Who was God alike for him, his Guru, Dronacharya.

Dhristyadym had come to Dravida for Drisana. He had known since the moment he saw her that she was not any ordinary girl. He wanted her from that moment only. Not as a man wanted a woman, but rather as a warrior wanted a weapon. Things got complicated when he got to know about her association with Nakul and Pandavs though. It was a hurdle in his path. So he waited for the perfect opportunity. And he got that when Maharaj Drishadvat refused to make any alliance with Hastinapur.

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