Chapter 44

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Dwijendra went to meet Maharaj Drishadvat. Wedding preparations were going well. But there was one matter that needed discussion.

"Parnipat Pitashree." He greeted.

"Come son. How is the preparations going on?" Maharaj Drishadvat asked. He didn't want to left any stones unturned. It was his one and only daughters marriage afterall.

"Everything's going smoothly. But I'm in a dilemma regarding the invitations. There's a matter that needs your attention." Dwijendra replied.

"What's the matter?"

"Invitation for the wedding will be sent to almost all the kingdoms of Aryavart. But what about Hastinapur and Chedi? We should send invitation or not?" Dwijendra asked. Chedi Naresh Shishupal wasn't much liked by the Dravida Princes. They had a very delicate balance of peace that could be disturbed anytime. It was a wonder Dheemant returned from Chedi without causing any trouble. But Dwijendra heard Shishupal had been mocking their women court indirectly. If he tried to do that here, it wouldn't be long before swords were drawn.

As for Hastinapur, no one wanted Duryodhan anywhere near Drisana. But he was the one who represented Maharaj Dhritarashtra. And how could Gandharraj Shakuni not follow his favourite nephew?

"It would be an insult if we don't send invitation to Chedi. We can as well say goodbye to the treaty. So invitation is going there. As for Hastinapur, even though we don't like it, Pandavs are related to Hastinapur. I'm sure Rajkumar Nakul will want Mahamahim Bhismeh's blessing. Send the invitation and mention him specially. As for Yuvraj Duryodhan, I don't think he'll dare to try something here." Maharaj Drishadvat said.

Seemed like Duryodhan and Drisana would be face to face after almost six years.
This wedding was going to be rather interesting with all the friends and foes under the same roof.

"Mitra Vrisha!!!" Karna frowned looking at Rajkumari Subhadra who was coming towards him. He looked around himself. Who was she calling?

Subhadra came in front of Karna as he stood confused.

"Mitra Vrisha, I've been searching you whole day. Where were you?" Subhadra asked looking at Karna. Karna glanced around again. Who was she talking to staring at him? When Subhadra kept looking at him, he realised she was talking to him only.



"Rajkumari Subhadra, my name is Karna and I'm not your Mitra. Why are you addressing me as such?" Karna asked irritated.

"First answer my question. Then I'll answer yours. Where were you all day?" Subhadra demanded stubbornly.

"I was roaming around the town. Now tell me why were you addressing me so weirdly?" Karna answered huffing in annoyance.

"Okay. Vrisha means the one who is truthful in speech, engages in penances, keeps his vows and remains kind to enemies. All of these qualities are present in you. So when I thought to give you a special name after we became friends, I found it perfect." Subhadra said smiling broadly at him. Well. Did she really think so highly of him?


"When did we become 'friends'?" Karna asked frowning at her.

"You forgot so soon? You have such weak memory." Subhadra said shaking her head.

"My memory is absolutely fine. But it seems you have a habit of day dreaming, Rajkumari." Karna said in a stern voice.

"I'm not day dreaming. You're forgetting. Remember yesterday you helped me in picking mangoes?" Subhadra asked.

Journey to the Old Era (Drisana's Mahabharat #1)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang