Chapter 16

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I wanted to clear a few things first.

1. About Devika, Drisana and Nakul's fast. Whenever one of them kept fast, they used to eat only fruits by collecting them from surrounding areas. As Brahman's obtained rice and vegetables as alms most of the time, the person who kept fast didn't take share of it. So that day by keeping fast, Drisana, Devika and Nakul wasn't going to take their share in the alms.

2. I'm no genius when it comes to religious things or original mahabharat. So I wrote it from my perspective based on my little knowledge. Pardon me if I hurt someone's feelings unintentionally.

3. I have a question. Just like Bhismeh, why Pandavs didn't took an oath of becoming Brahmachari when Kunti said those words? They could still be together supporting Yudhisthir in that case. In some articles, it was mentioned that all of the Pandavs desired Draupadi, so to avoid any commotion between brothers Yudhisthir took the decision of Draupadi marrying all of them. Later Draupadi agreed.

Thanks to all the readers who is reading and supporting me in this story. 😊😊😊


Maharaj Drupad and Dhristyadym followed the Brahman's with the help of Krishna as he was concerned for his daughter. Krishna left them near the hut without saying anything. Maharaj Drupad thought it best to go inside. As he and Dhristyadym were standing near the entrance they heard Kunti's words.

Silence followed as Kunti realised what she had ordered in ignorance. Everyone was frozen in place. No one could comprehend what was said. Drisana closed her eyes in regret. No. She couldn't let that happen. She had to stop it somehow. But how?

Maharaj Drupad was the first one reacting.

"What are you saying? How can my daughter be divided among your so-" before he could complete and the idea of dividing Draupadi among the brothers could take life, Drisana interrupted.

"Yes. That's right. How can we divide a person among us?" She skillfully inserted herself into the statement as not to let them consider Draupadi as a prospective bride rather than a person.
"Mata spoke unknowingly, we should forget it and welcome bhrata Arjun and Rajkumari Draupadi."

Even though Nakul noticed that in spite of keeping fast, Drisana included herself in the division, he kept silent.

Everyone was numb to think anything. Drisana hoped her attempt to divert the situation would work. She concentrated on Yudhisthir. Trying to read him. If he was convinced, the rest would follow.

Yudhisthir was thinking what his mother ordered. Draupadi wasn't some object to divide.

"What kind of order you've given us, Mata? To obey every word spoken by you is our Dharma. But how can we divide a human?" Yudhisthir asked Kunti. From his expression and statement it was clear he saw Draupadi as a human, not a bride.

Drisana had to think something fast before the idea of marrying Draupadi even came to anyone's mind.

'Jo bhi mila hain, aapas mein baat lo.'
(Divide among yourselves whatever you've obtained.)

'Jo bhi mila hain, aapas mein baat lo.'
(Divide among yourselves whatever you've obtained.)

'Baat lo'

Drisana remembered something then. When she was a child her mother used to read in sanskrit and explain them later. In the supposed events, Kunti wasn't going to use that word.

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