Chapter 28

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In Dravida:

Drisana sat at the balcony looking at the beautiful view of Dravida. It had been four months since she came here. Her new family was amazing and more laid back. Since going back to Hastinapur, there was always tension. They had to watch their every step. But here everyone was free. No tension, no animosity between families.

Her family had arranged for a grand welcoming ceremony that lasted for almost one month. Two days after she arrived, there had been a purification and announcing ceremony where she was introduced officially to the Raj sabha and the common people of Dravida. Krishna left after that saying his work here was complete. He hadn't said anything else to her. There had been frequent donation and feast going on with puja aarchana since then. No one apart from her parents and brothers knew about her being from Kaliyug. Not even her sister-in-laws. She came to know from Shubhaprada that Maharaj Drishadvat had ordered not to speak of her past to everyone.

Maharaj Drishadvat was a firm and just ruler, but also a loving and caring father who motivated his children's and also joked and laughed with them. She remembered her father from Kaliyug. Though he always took care of her, he was rather aloof. He wasn't the talking and joking type. Her childhood spent with her mom mostly.

Her Mata, Maharani Mangalya had become a constant shadow of her since she came back. She understood her concerns and let her shower her with love. She wore the clothes and jewelleries chosen by her Mata, ate from her hand, did prayer and all the ceremonial stuffs her Mata wanted and slept in her lap at night hearing stories of her brothers childhood. She also took all the gifts Mangalya reserved for her all these years. She had also reserved the clothes and toys of Drisana that she used in those first few months she had been here. Her love and affection was precious to Drisana. But a little suffocating too. It's only human nature. As children's grow up they need their own space. Maharaj Drishadvat understood that well. It was only a few days since Mangalya eased a little, thanks to her Pitashree.

Drisana had decided Dheemant was right. Her brothers were indeed some characters including Dheemant too. Dwijendra was quite like Yudhisthir, managing the responsibilities and guiding his brothers. She wondered if it was the side effect of being Yuvraj. Aanandini stood firm beside him and ran the Palace like a small country. Though Mangalya held the position of Maharani, Aanandini was the ring master and she was damn good at it. She had helped her a lot in settling down here and Drisana was thankful to her. She bonded well with her sister-in-laws. They welcomed her in their girls gang and did all sorts of things that girls normally did.

Himani & Poornima were sweet and caring. She had spent a whole day with them and the next day woke up with pain in neck. They divided everything among them. Poor Dheemant. Daiwik had told her the swayamvar of these twin sisters were held together. Dheemant went intending to impress one. The next words of Daiwik she would never forget. He said,

"Dono paat gaye,
Aur bhrata Dheemant baat gaye."

(Both of them got impressed,
And bhrata Dheemant got divided.)

After meeting Dheemant, Drisana understood from where she had gained the unique quality of feeding people bullshit. He was a master at that. She watched as he convinced Priyala that her handmade Grapes curry was so great that he needed to offer it to God first. No one saw him after that. Devajyot was the only one who not only tasted but ate the whole thing his wife made as the rest looked sympathetic. Dridhaksh only whispered,

"What was the need to fight with Rajkumar Dussasan? Bhabishree ke hat ka byanjan khila dete to waise hi vag jata. (If he ate food made by bhabishree, then he himself would have ran away.)"

Now her brother Dridhaksh, the second youngest, he creeped her out when a few nights before he suddenly appeared out of nowhere in front of her. He seemed to do that often. Suddenly appearing out of nowhere. For the life of Drisana, she couldn't figure out from where he came or how such a large man could move without making a single noise.

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