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"I'm sorry, what?" I ask shocked, staring at my family with my jaw dropped open.

"If you want to rule, you have to be married" my mother repeats

"But mum, I'm an awkward teenage girl with no social skills with anyone under fifty" i state

"You have no problem talking to hundred of people when you do speeches" my father inputs

"Yes, but that's because I don't know them! I just imagine they are dead" i say

"That's disturbing" my fifteen year old brother Leo says and I glare at him

"And? What's that stopping you from marrying this man?" My mum asks me

"What's stopping you from marrying this man?" I mimick, "what's stopping me is that I have no social skills with people my age, everyone at the events are mostly over eighty and could drop off at any moment. This is a big deal. Oh and it's a stranger!"

"Don't you want to rule?" My dad asks me

"Don't be demented, of course I do" I say making my sister Emma laugh.

I have three younger siblings, the twins Emma and Leo. Then Lizzie who is four.

"How about you go to a real school?" Emma suggests

I scoff, "like they will let me do that"

"Why not?" My mum says

"What?" My dad says looking at my mum like she's grown a second head.

"It will get her social skills up, which will ultimately benefit us and her in the future. I don't see the negatives" my mum says

"I do, how about she'll be chased by the paparazzi and people will know who she is" my dad says

"So do a hannah montana" Emma says

"Great show" Leo says and i smirk

"Well, where is she going to stay?" My dad says crossing his arms

"Well we're all heading to America tomorrow, how about with Luca?" She suggests

Luca is our head of security, he has taken in other royals across the world who need protecting and introduced them to his family.

I don't personally know much about Luca, all I know is that he's from a rich background. My parents know more about him because my parents are friends with him and his wife.

Unfortunately, their first born was kidnapped and their family was devastated. He turned to our family for support and my dad gave him a job to keep him destructed from everything. They still search for him but the authorities have given up.

Luca is Italian and makes the best pizza and pasta you will ever have.

I'm starting to come around here.

"Do i not get a say in this?" I ask

"No!" They all say and I scoff slightly and lean back in my chair and watch it all unfold.

"What about their son?" My dad asks

"Look I know she was meant to marry him but he's been missing since... well forever" my mum tells my dad

"Wait? I was meant to marry Luca's son?" I ask, "but he's not royal, is he?"

"Actually, he is" my dad tells me

"What?" I ask

"One plot twist after another" Leo says

"I know it's great!" Emma says smiling at her brother.

"Apart of the Italian royal family, he left the family to live a normal life with his wife who is apart of the Greek Royal family. They both wanted away from the public and the responsibilities after their child was taken" my dad says

"So what is he? Well was he? Why haven't they found him?" I ask

"Was in-line for the throne, no one was able to track him down. We think he got given a new identity" my mum says

"Fucking hell" leo says and I can't help but laugh in disbelief

"So I'm not marrying Luca's son, who am I going to marry then?" I ask

"We can't tell you, it's an arrangement that's been in this family for generations. A kind of peace treaty thing" my dad says

I groan, "but if the treaty was meant to be with Lucas son, doesn't that just move down to the next person in line?"

"No, its not in our favour. We don't decide, they choice it" my dad says

"Who do?" I ask

"Well there will be an announcement sent to all the royal families in the world and they will choose if they want to marry you" he says

"And if they don't want to marry me?" I ask

"The throne goes to Leo" my mum says looking down

"That's discrimination, just cause I'm female I can't rule without man by my side" I say

"I know it's bad, we've tried to change it but parliament aren't having it" my mum says and I sigh

"So let me get this straight, I'm going to marry someone I don't know. And you don't know them either. And now I'm going to go to America and live as a 'normal' girl with Luca and his family, all to prepare me to eventually get married and the duties of finally becoming queen?" I ask


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