There was an obvious silence until Sugawara spoke up and exclaimed, "Hey! Come on now say something you guys."

"No! You need to calm down Sugawara san," Daichi commented, "and you should at least react a bit more, you're barely breathing."

"What does this have to to with me?" Asahi asked looking quite confused.  Y/N and Kiyoko were in the back giggling that the episode in front of them.

"Hey Suga san, you could still talk to me." Y/N said as both her and Kiyoko caught up with the guys, on the same stair step.

"See at least Y/N chan is supportive of me." Sugawara said.

After a couple minutes of walking and talking, the group finally made it to the shrine.  They waite for their turn at the shrine to pray.  The older couple before had just finished and they have walked away.  Kiyoko, Y/N, Daichi, Asahi, and Sugawara finally got to pray (I'm sorry if this isn't your religion, this isn't mine either but the haikyuu characters are).  They all finished praying and walked to the fortune area.

"I'll go get a fortune now," Sugawara stated.

"Me too, I don't remember the last time I got one." Daichi added.

"Are you getting one Asahi san?" Y/n asked.

"No I'm okay, I'd probably get a really depressing one anyways." Asahi replied.

"Hey come one now, go get one and then we can all read each other's fortunes together." Sugawara said trying to lighten the mood up.

Asahi and ther other picked up a fortune and read it to each other in a corner near the shrine.

"Hahahaha are you kidding me." Sugawara said laughing out loud.

"That's some skill," Daichi commented.

"Hey it's not my fault that I get bad luck." Asahi said trying to defend himself.

Kiyoko and Y/N stood there slightly laughing as well.

"If you got a "great curse" it'd actually be funnier or even lucky." Sugawara said, "but you just got a boring curse."

"It's like one of those morning news fortunes," Kiyoko added.

"Shut up! What the hell did you four get, then?!" Asahi exclaimed.

"Future blessing," Sugawara and Daichi said at the same time.

"Same for us," Kiyoko and Y/N said in unison.

"That's way for plain and boring!" Asahi yelled.

The group soon took a hike back down the mountain.

"Hmm come to think about it," Daichi started, "when you go to a shrine, you're supposed to be thankful for everyday things, rather than asking the gods for things."

"Huh? But I asked for some many things..." Asahi replied, "Like concerning our matches and even my future, I even asked for good health for the dog next door."

"The gods must be pretty annoyed with you huh Asahi san." Y/N commented with a giggle.

Kiyoko, Daichi, and Sugawara cracked a smile at that joke.  "I mean the gods aren't that forgiving." Daichi added.

"I mean, I don't blame you for at least asking for us to win." Sugawara said.

"It's not like asking the gods to help will win our matches." Kiyoko said as she stopped in her tracks.  Everyone else also stopped in fear and to listen to Kiyoko.

"Uh, Shimizu san..." Daichi started.

"Right now? Did you really have to bring that up right now?" Sugawara finished.

With You [Cannon Kuroo x reader]Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon