Pretty boy

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Cavan's POV
"How do I look? Is this too much? Should I have done my hair?" I said frantically to my mom. Today was my first time meeting the team, and I was beyond nervous. Some of my favourite players were on the Blue Jays, and if I gave them a bad first impression, I have no clue what I'd do. More importantly, my favourite shortstop, Bo Bichette, would be there. Ever since I saw him play last year, I've had a massive crush on him. He's gorgeous and man, can he play ball. He won rookie of the year last season, and deservingly so. I wonder if we'll be friends, or maybe more? Nah, I don't think he's into guys, which is fine. It just sucks for me.
"-avan? Cavan? Are you listening to me, young man?" My mom said, taking me out of my trance.
"Yeah, sorry mom."
"I was saying that you look fine, and I don't know why you're so nervous. You're a great ball player and you'll fit in perfectly with the other boys."
"Thanks. It's just a little scary, that's all."
"I know, but you'll be fine. Who knows, maybe you'll meet someone..." she said, trailing off.
"What is that supposed to mean?" I said, even though I knew quite well what she meant.
"It's not a secret that those boys are gorgeous, and I would not be surprised if they found you attractive too." She said, shrugging her shoulders. As much as I wish she was right, it's extremely unlikely.
"Yeah, you keep on thinking that. I have to head out, I'll see you later." I said, walking out the door.

Walking into the stadium felt so surreal. The Rogers Center is such a legendary park, and I can't believe I get to play here. Walking up to the gates, there was a whole new wave of nerves in me. I mean, if they didn't like me, I could be back in the minors tomorrow. There were tears in my eyes, threatening to fall, as I was deciding whether to go in or not. That is, until I felt a hand on my shoulder.
"Nervous?" Said the person attached to the hand. I turned around to be faced with starting catcher, Danny Jansen.
"Uh, no?" I said, even though I totally was.
"Don't worry about acting tough around us. We're your boys now, we ain't gonna judge you." He said, as I released a breath I didn't know I was holding in.
"Thanks. I guess we should go in now?" I said, even though I was still terrified.
"After you." Jansen said as he gestured towards the front gate.

Walking through the corridors with Jansen was scary, because everyone said hi or waved to us. As an introvert, I would have preferred coming in unnoticed, but at least I have a friend now.
"Okay, I feel like I should warn you." Danny said, stopping and turning me towards him.
"You're kind of scaring me." I replied, fiddling with my bracelet, which is a stupid nervous habit I picked up in high school.
"The guys are just a lot. Especially with newbies. They're gonna want to know everything about you and it can be overwhelming. If they get to be too much, just signal me over and I'll get rid of them." How is Danny Jansen already my brother? I mean, I'm not mad, he's cool.
"Oh okay. Thank you."
"Also...I'd watch out for Bo." Before I could even ask what he meant by that, he opened the door to the clubhouse, revealing the majority of the team.
"Guys! This is Cavan, the new kid. Be nice." Jansen said, leaving me to say hello to everyone. They all introduced themselves, except the one I was waiting for. He was nowhere to be seen. That is, until he walked into the main lockeroom from the showers, still soaking wet. His long hair was damp and dripping onto his muscular shoulders, then eventually ran onto his perfect abs. Of course he was only in loose shorts, showing his v-bone.
"Jesus Bo, put on a shirt!" Jansen yelled, throwing him his warm-up jersey.
"What? I'm just trying to impress pretty boy over here." He said, referring to me. ME!
"" Formulating words was hard when in the presence of someone with a god-like body. He walked up to me, and even though he was relatively shorter than me, I was still massively intimidated.
Danny sighed in annoyance whilst leaning over to whisper to me, "See, this is what I meant."
I tried to speak again but could only come up with a series of uh's and um's. Once I stopped, Bo placed a finger underneath my chin, forcing me to look at him.
"That's okay, save the words for tonight, pretty boy."
I was completely stunned. There's no way that he just said that. Or so I thought, until Danny lightly pushed him away from me.
"Just leave him alone, Bo."
"What, you already grabbed dibs on him?"
"No! I just have respect for the guy! Come on, Cav." Jansen said, pulling me so I could walk with him.

We entered the dugout and I met the head coach Charlie Montoyo. He was pretty cool and he seemed really excited to have me, so that's good. After our talk, the rest of the team joined us outside. Then, coach started pairing us up for some grounder drills, and my anxiety went fully up.
"Lastly, Bichette and Biggio." He yelled out. Danny stepped in front of me to face coach.
"Wait hold on where's my name? Just put Bo in bp and I'll take his spot."
"We need you to work with Pearson, he's starting today." Coach said. As I looked over, I saw Bo looking at me with his dark eyes, checking me out.
Walking onto the field with him was awkward, to say the least. I wasn't saying anything because I was terrified, and he wasn't because Jansen was watching us. He may be flirty, but he's not stupid. Although Bo kind of scared me, I couldn't help but wonder so many things about him.
"So, what's your deal?" I asked. He scoffed in response as he shook his head.
"You think I'm joking? I wanna know why Jansen warned me about you. I mean, it's kind of obvious why, but why do you act that way?"
"Am I not allowed to compliment you, pretty boy?" He said, smiling as we started throwing the ball around.
"I guess? Sorry, I don't know where that was going. It's just, I'm assuming you do this to every new kid."
"I do, because the newbies are usually cute. You seem different though, no matter how cliche that sounds." And suddenly a wave of confidence rushed through me.
"You wanna know something? I had a crush on you all last year. I mean you're probably the best looking Blue Jay I've ever seen. But don't even try to hook up with me and leave because that's not who I am."
"Wasn't planning to, pretty boy." He said with a genuine smile. And hey, maybe I could learn to like him, as a person.

"Bo! Cavan! I need the scrimmage jerseys from the storage shed!" Coach yelled to us.
"It's okay coach, I'll go!" Jansen yelled from across the field, jogging over to us. It was getting kind of annoying how much he wanted to protect me. After talking for a bit, I was comfortable around Bo, and I'd be fine alone with him.
"It's all good Jano, I got it." I said.
Once we entered the bigger closet, Bo pushed me up against the door, kissing me passionately. I smiled into the kiss, not being able to hide my happiness. My hands ran through his hair and his rested on my waist, holding me tighter than anyone ever has. I felt safe. Maybe a hookup is inevitable in our situation, but I could tell that I meant more to him than that. Even in the short hour we've known each other.
He pulled away and locked our eyes together. His weren't so dark and mysterious anymore, they were bright and excited, just like him. His hand caressed my face as he said,
"Welcome to the big leagues, pretty boy."

A/N - How do we feel about dominant Bo?? Personally I LOVE it but let me know what you think!!

Bo Bichette x Cavan Biggio (Biggiette) one shots!!Where stories live. Discover now