I love you, not math

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In this one shot, Bo and Cavan are dating each other and are both in high school.

Cavan's POV
"Baaaaaaabe!" I hear Bo yell from my room. I was currently in the kitchen making us some chicken strips, Bo's favourite study snack, while he was on my bed studying for his math exam. I had convinced him to take AP stats, as it could be useful for after his baseball playing career. I took the class when I was a junior too, but now I'm a senior with an early acceptance letter so I can focus on helping my boyfriend pass the class.

"Coming love!" I yelled back. I threw the snack onto a plate and brought it up. When I got to my room, I saw my baby curled up in a ball wearing MY hoodie and holding MY pillow. He looked so adorable even though he was sad. I slowly sat down on my bed, careful not to bother him in case he was asleep.
"Math is stupid."
Yeah, he's not asleep. I placed our food on my bedside table as he slowly sat up to face me. I looked into his eyes and for the first time ever, I saw defeat. Bo was the kind of person to find loopholes and tricks to help him with whatever he needed, not give up. Whatever was making him feel this way, I was going to get him through it.
"It's not stupid, just difficult." I tried telling him.
"You passed it so why can't I?" He said, muffled into my pillow.
I sighed. I didn't know that that's how he felt.
"Love, you can't compare yourself-"
"Well that's kind of hard when your dad, brother, and boyfriend are hella smart and passed this same class with all 90s! Why am I such an idiot?!" He yelled, with tears now trickling down his perfect face.
"Bo, we all had our ups and downs, and you haven't failed the class yet. If you do well on tomorrow's exam you should be okay. I think you've done plenty of studying for the night, let's get some sleep." I said.
"Do you honestly think I'm ready for tomorrow?" Bo said.
"Baby, WE are ready to take on the world. No math exam is gonna stop us."
I kissed my baby so softly, yet so passionately, never wanting to let go. He laid down on my chest, and I wrapped him in my arms.
"Cavan, I've never told you how much I love you." He said, putting the emphasis on 'love', since we've never said it before.
"Baby, I love you." I responded.
With that, Bo's eyes began to close for the night, but a smile never left his face.

——— two weeks later ———

Bo's POV
I was back where I was two weeks ago, sitting on Cavan's bed sulking in my misery. Today I'm finding out if I passed my AP stats class or not, but judging on how my exam went, I'm gonna guess not. All I need is a 50 or higher to pass but even that would be a miracle. If I fail this class, I'm gonna have to take a summer course, meaning I won't have as much time for baseball, meaning I'm gonna suck. If I want to be a top prospect I have to spend every hour of the summer working on my game. But I can't do that if I have some stupid course to work on. Just as I felt my anxiety start to ramp up, my gorgeous man walked through the door with chicken strips. I definitely love this man.

"Hey how are you feeling? Do you need some calming tea or something?" Cavan said, looking adorable as ever. What in the hell did I do to deserve him? It was probably my perfect baseball butt.
"I'm okay, thanks bub. I really appreciate you hanging out with me but I'm just warning you I'm gonna be a mess once I get this email."
"Baby you're gonna be fine. If you don't pass, I'm gonna help you with that summer class as much as I possibly can. I'm not leaving you on your own." He said to me, never breaking eye contact. He grabbed my shaking hands, calming me down even more.
"Cavan, I love you so-"


"Oh my god. Cavan. Oh my god!" I screamed, because the email FINALLY came in.
"You did great Bo, I know you did."
"Love, I can't do it. You read it." I said to him, handing him my phone. He opened up the email and began reading it.
"Good afternoon Mr. Bichette, I'm going to be honest with you, your exam did not go too well. You had a lot of calculation errors and your equations were not formatted properly. However, I have seen you play Bo, and you are something special. I have never seen a young man with as much talent and determination as you. You are also a formidable teammate, who has respect for every person. I spoke with Cavan about your grades, he told me how much time you were putting in, and this did not surprise me in the least. Bo, academically, your mark this semester was a 45. But because of your character and collaboration skills, I have bumped it up to a 52. I can't wait to see you play this summer. Sincerely, Mr. Montoyo."
Oh my god. I actually passed.

"I PASSED!!!" I screamed, launching myself into Cavan's arms, overjoyed.
"I knew you'd do it, baby."
"I couldn't have done it without you. And clearly you helped a little more than I knew about." I said, referring to the conversation my teacher apparently had with my boyfriend.
"He just asked me why you weren't doing so well, but I reassured him that you were working endlessly and doing your absolute best. Everything I told him was true. You're such a great person, with the best work ethic I've ever seen. I can't wait to coach you this year."
"Wait, what?! You're coaching?!" I asked, confused. Of course Cavan was more than capable of coaching, but they've never had a coach who's in their first year of college.
"Even though I graduated, they want me to still be a part of the team, so now I'm an assistant coach!" He said.
We hugged, both being proud of the other's accomplishments. Something told me we'd make it far in this world, as long as we had each other.

A/N - Watching them get eliminated today broke my heart, but don't fret! I'm here to keep us ALL satisfied with Biggiette content. Yes, this is officially now a Biggiette (Bo Bichette x Cavan Biggio) one shot book!

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