A broken soul (part 1)

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Bo's POV
Today was it. Today was the day I would officially be joining the Toronto Blue Jays. The day I got that call will be a day I'll never forget. I was on the field, throwing the ball around before the inning started, when they called me into the dugout. I got kind of nervous, but when I found out they were bringing me up to the majors, I couldn't wipe the smile off of my face. Not only would I be playing with an awesome team, I would be playing with my best friend, Cavan Biggio, again. He moved up to the majors a few months back. It kind of hurt when he got to play in the majors without me, but he deserved it. He promised we would stay best friends, and we did, it just got a little harder with our conflicting schedules and such. But now I won't have to worry about that, and I'm so happy about it.

I got out of bed pretty quickly, then head to the kitchen in my new Toronto apartment. When I told Cavan I would be moving to Toronto, he told me he was looking for a roommate anyways, so I moved in. I put on a pot of coffee for us then I sulked into our living room because boy did I need some stretching. Since I only moved in the other day, I haven't gotten a bed yet, so I'm sleeping on the floor in my room. This apartment is somewhat new to Cavan too, so there's only a couple chairs for furniture. Cavan did offer me his bed, but I wouldn't do that. I don't want to wake up to a cranky version of him.

"Morning Bo." Cavan said, walking into the kitchen.
"Morning Cav!" I said, standing up from my sitting stretching position. I joined him in the kitchen, thanking him for pouring me a cup of coffee.
"How did you sleep?" He asked me.
"Well, I slept, so that's good." I reassured him.
"Listen if you want the bed, you can have it, I don't care." He told me.
I thought about it for a second, but I just can't. Truth is, I get these nightmares, and I always wake up startled. He would probably still sleep in his room, so I don't want to test my luck.
"No no it's okay I'm good." I said.
We walked over to the living room and sat in our own chairs, just appreciating the early morning sun and the smell of fresh coffee. We haven't had many of these mornings yet, but I can't wait for the many many more to come.
"So, I have a plan for today." Cavan said.
"A plan? Aren't we just gonna chill? I mean, I do have a pretty big day tomorrow."
"It's your first official day living in Toronto! We have to do something special. So, I'm gonna take you to dinner at Guy Lafleur's restaurant downtown." The moment he said this, I was forever reassured that he is my best friend. He KNOWS how much chicken wings mean to me.
"Really?! I haven't been there yet!"
"Yea, I know. That's why I'm taking you there."
We laughed for a minute, while I was getting excited just THINKING about those chicken wings.

The dinner was fantastic. The night was fantastic. It was all perfect. The only thing that could have made it better, would be if Cavan was mine. Ever since we met in Buffalo, I've always liked him. We joined around the same time, so we became best friends quite quickly. Not too long after, I started falling for him. And no I'm not gay, I'm just attracted to people with good souls.

"Bo?" He said. We were just sitting in the living room with Sportsnet on, watching the highlight reel of the day.
"Yeah man?" I asked.
"You're taking the bed tonight." He said. I can't believe we're doing this again.
"Cavan, for the last time, it's YOUR bed and YOU are gonna sleep in it. I'm perfectly fine on the floor." I told him, getting slightly frustrated.
He got up and left the room, presumably to get ready for bed. I never meant to upset him, I'm just trying to protect myself from humiliation.
After a few minutes of resenting myself, I decide to go to his room and try to talk. I knock on the door lightly, even though it's open a bit.
"Cav? Can we talk?" I say lightly.
"Yeah come in." He responds. When I walk through the door, I find him in a sleeping bag on the ground, on his phone. He's got an adorable mischievous smile on his adorable face. Did I mention he's adorable? I sighed, knowing he had defeated me.
"I really can't win, can I?" I asked. He put his phone down, so I could see more of his pretty face.
"Nope!" He said. I sighed, but made my way over to the bed. I may have kicked him slightly on my way, but he laughed it off. I got into bed, and turned off the lamp on his bedside table.
"Goodnight Bo!" He said.
"Goodnight Cav." I returned. The minute my head hits the pillow, I start falling into a deep sleep, and I can tell Cavan is too.
"I love you, Cav." I mutter. I was barely conscious, but I still meant every bit of it. I just wish he felt the same.

Bo Bichette x Cavan Biggio (Biggiette) one shots!!Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat