A true family

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A/n: ok I realize that I do a lot in Cavan's POV but I just feel like I get him more, but maybe soon I'll write in Bo's POV.
ALSO would you guys wanna see little drabbles? Like just little conversations between bo and Cav that I think of randomly. Okay that's it for me enjoy the story! (I wrote this in my head while I was at work lol)

cavans pov:
i was walking home from getting coffee, thinking about bo, as usual.
yesterday we had dinner with his parents and we told them about us. considering it's 1pm and i'm getting coffee for bo because he's still asleep, you can guess how well it went.

"you two are dating? are you serious?" his mom asked.
"yes mom. and we love each other, so much. isn't that all that matters?"
she sighed disappointingly and i grabbed bo's hand to support him, i can't imagine how he's feeling.
"as long as you two don't tell anyone else, i guess that won't be a problem." she said.
i looked at him with wide eyes, i couldn't believe what i was hearing. he shook his head at me, telling me that i shouldn't fight it.
"mom, we're going to tell people. the whole team and our friends already know, we're proud of ourselves."
"honey, you play baseball. it's not the most liberal sport! i just want you to make the right decision."
"i don't care! im willing to give up everything i have for-"
"i won't be your father if you give up everything to be a f**!!"
and everything went silent. this man who had taught bo everything about the sport he loves, and the woman who took care of him time and time again, they were giving up on him.

i walk into our bedroom to see that bo isn't in bed anymore. i'm glad he was able to get up by himself, but i also wanted to wake him up with kisses so i could hear his adorable giggles. the bathroom light was on, so i put down our coffees and walked in.
there i saw my baby, standing shirtless looking in the mirror. he was running his hand over his tattoo, tears slowly coming down his face. his tattoo says "family" on his shoulder, and i could gather why that word was upsetting him right now. he got that tattoo about 3 months into our first season together in double a. it was the first year that his mom couldn't stay and live with him, so he got the tattoo to remind himself that they'll always be there. how i wish that were true.
i slowly walked up to him and wrapped my arms around him from behind. he hummed softly at the gentle touch, thanking me without words. he removed his hand from his shoulder to hold my arms, to make sure i won't go anywhere (i would never anyways). i dipped my head into his shoulder to press light kisses to the tattoo, making him shiver.
"tell me what's wrong, beautiful."
"don't act like you can't tell what's wrong." he chuckled lightly through his tears.
"i'm not, i just want you to explain to me how you're feeling." i continued kissing his shoulder, pressing a few to his neck and jaw.
"cavan, do you like my tattoo?"
"it's a part of you, so of course i love it." he blushed.
"yea but...i don't know. i think i wanna get it removed."
i stopped kissing his shoulder and just placed my chin on it, looking at his eyes through the mirror. he continued,
"i got that tattoo to remind myself that my parents- that THEY would always be there. and now that they won't be...i..."
his breathing picked up and more tears started falling. i turned him around and grabbed his face, placing my forehead against his.
"baby, that may be why you originally got it, but it doesn't have to remind you of that. they're not your true family. the team is your family. we love and care about you so so much, we accept who you are and we will fight by your side no matter what. vladdy, lourdes, george, they're your family. i'm your family."
he smiled a little, which is a good start.
"i love you, cavan. i know i say it multiple times a day, but it still has just as much meaning. i love you more than i could ever love anyone else."
he tightened his grip on my waist, and we shared a kiss. one so delicate and gentle, yet full of intimacy. a kiss of true love.

two days later
okay so i did something impulsive, but it was out of love, so it's fine. while vlad and lourdes took bo out for dinner tonight, i went and got a tattoo. the same one as bo, in the same spot. i hope that this will help convince him that his tattoo doesn't need to represent his parents.
the door opened and in came my boy, with a smile on his face. once he saw me on the couch, he practically ran over and jumped on my lap, showering me in kisses.
"bubba why didn't you come to dinner with us? i missed you."
"i know, beautiful. but i have a surprise for you that'll maybe make up for it."
he looked confused, but i grabbed him by the hips and placed him next to me gently. i took a deep breath. here goes nothing.
once i took off my shirt, he immediately found the new mark on my skin, his eyes widened.
"cavan, holy shit. is that real?" he smiled out of disbelief.
"yea, it is. i needed to show you that your tattoo doesn't have to have anything to do with your parents. it can represent the team. it can represent me."
he started tearing up and pulled me into a tight hug.
"oh my god you're the best boyfriend someone could ask for. i love you i love you i love you!" i chuckled lightly at how adorable he is. i pulled away and grabbed his hands, looking into his beautiful eyes.
"my tattoo represents us. our family. i'll even add things to it. like our wedding date, the birthdays of our kids, the paw print of our yellow lab."
"wait, hold on, our wedding date?" he smiled, excitedly.
"well, i don't have a ring with me, but you'll marry me, right?"
"of course i will, cavan."

the next day we shared our tattoos and the news with the team. they (mostly george) were just as emotional as us.
that's a true family.

Bo Bichette x Cavan Biggio (Biggiette) one shots!!Where stories live. Discover now