For what?

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"Nothing," I replied. He probably didn't care and I was too lazy to explain.

"Would you give me some of your time?" he asked putting his hand out, showing a fake yet charming smile.

Holding his hand I walked down stairs. Sometimes I did forget that I had to act like his mate because no one in the castle seemed to suspect me.

Instead of going out we went further down, eventually entering an underground passage. A fire altar lightened the whole area and the narrow passage widened to a big hall when I passed through the door behind the it. Swords, shields, blades hung on the walls like decorations, in the centre there was a big table on which laid a map. The area was dimly lit by torches on the wall. One side was covered completely with several book shelves while other had chains attached to the wall. A torture chair was kept under the chain, it had spikes all over it. I felt my palms sweating, I shuddered as ominous thoughts clouded my head. Killing and torturing rogues may have seemed cool in a werewolf book but right now all I could think of was human rights. For what reason could he bring me here? I didn't really do anything wrong. He didn't speak and the eerie silence of the haunted chambers wasn't welcoming.

Finally he stopped in front of the table and lighted a candle which gave a better view of the map.

He pointed am area on the map and looked towards my nervous self standing beside him.

"Are you fine?" he asked with his old sly expression as of he could read the tension of my thoughts.

"Why did you bring me here?" I bluntly questioned.

"Not for torture, like you think," he said with a smirk. I felt like punching him in the face but I have become a believer of non - violence after entering this world. I should complain about him to the queen; she's his only weakness I know. I maintained a poker face and he diverted his attention towards the map.

"This is the map of both silver and moon kingdom," he told pointing out on the detailed map; I could identify causeways, roads, brooks and some basic recognizable features but several other symbols were also marked, they probably indicated some specific feature.

"There isn't any need of this, but I will tell you about how we will be heading and in which direction you should go in case of any attack."

I guess he isn't that bad.

"If you die of your foolishness, I won't be responsible. You had been injured by silver poison, you shouldn't come with me in the first place."

I take my thoughts back.

"I want to see my parents also it'll be easier for you to send me away if you find your real mate there," I reiterated the words I had said back then to convince him.

I know he's trying to talk me out of it and a part of me understands it too. I have only read and not seen the atrocities and wickedness of war but I am tired of waiting for something to happen. All the conditions fall in his favour, there probably won't be any casualty and I am just going to my own pack.

"If that's what you want, I can't restrain you," he says and points two paths on the map, "your pack is near our border and this where we will station our troops. The infiltration isn't a problem as your alpha is supporting us, still recklessly barging can alarm Cedric's watchdogs which can be harmful; underestimating your enemy is the most easy and fatal mistake."

His fingers trace the a huge green area on the map marked as, ' Mystel Forest.'

"Do you remember it?" he asked.

I shake my head in a negative answer.

"This where you were attacked when you ran away with your friend. It's a good place for hiding but the forest is dense enough for people to get lost if they don't know the way. Most of our troops will enter in the bleak of night but you can't shift and it's dangerous so you will go along in a trade caravan that is our soldiers in disguised as merchants to transport weapons."

"Okay," I said nodding. I was pretty invested in it and when he didn't speak further, I looked up to ask for more details.

"You will dress like the commoner you were before and your guard will always be with you."

Being with Beatrice wasn't a problem, I could easily venture out with or without her. I waited for him to speak more as I wanted to know how he will go further but he didn't speak.

"This is all you need to know. You may leave now," he ordered.

There's no way I was going to be out of this dungeon maze alone. I would have already been lost in palace if there wasn't Clove to guide me.

"Are you going to stay here?" I asked.

"I'll be leaving after binding this up," he said as extinguished the candle near the map.

"I will wait," I said and stood there watching him arranging things.

"Perhaps you don't remember the way?" he asked smiling to himself.

I completely hate this expression of his, it seemed full of disdain. "Did anyone tell you that you have a pathetic sense of humour?" I said copying his expression.

"I have heard nastier things from people sitting over there," he said gazing at the torture chair.

I didn't want to get on his nerve so I simply said,"I have lost my wolf senses, it makes things harder for me than before."

The topic was not further discussed and we both were returning in cold silence when he asked,"Do you remember your family?"

I didn't have a single clue about it but I lied,"I could recall a bit about them when Beatrice told me of them."

"One can never forget loved ones, no matter what happens," he said as if lost in his own thoughts looking aimlessly forward.

This reminded me of my old life, strengthening my resolution. I said,  "One can do anything to just see them once again."


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It's my first book; I will really appreciate any feedback as it helps me to improve my writing.

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