Bad Idea

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With my palms covering my eyes, I was lying on the bed. After waking up, I had to tolerate everyone coming and hugging me and telling them that I was fine. The parents were especially worried, it took a long time to console them. Thankfully Arthur hadn't told anyone of me being the Queen, he waited as first he wanted to tell me that I was his mate. I had to convince and stop him from telling anyone else as it might jeopardize my safety. All this had left me exhausted. It was night and the moonlight gave a silvered over appearance to the room, technically it isn't moonlight because it's sun—

Uh-huh, using my fingers I slowly massaged my head. Science wouldn't help me here, I have to do something; I can't let myself be played by others.

I was walking on ice, alone in the crowd, no one could have been trusted. Arthur was pretty convinced because it was something his own cherished sister told him. A set up, a trap, a cliché, I don't know what I have gotten myself into but I have to escape. Just like Beatrice, I don't wish to be doomed to a predetermined fate, shackles that would bind me in the castle. A deceitful demeanor which I will be bound to carry, the burden of my lies will be so heavy that I am sure I will collapse before time. I cannot stay this way.

Help, huh?

I sneered clutching my fists, stupid Disney, maybe back then this proposal wasn't bad, rather intriguing. Becoming the Queen, helping the mateless Prince who was driven to the edge of insanity on his loss. I face palmed myself in disappointment, it was the effect of all those books. They had me wishing for this, why do all those girls take up the task of improve an arrogant snob who is mean, who doesn't care. Maybe they should have left him, taught him a lesson on how to treat them better than being in a toxic relationship just stupidly thinking that they would change them one day.

But I still wonder what would have happened if I had refused?

Would I have wandered around for years till the life support kept me or I would have just faded away?

It was something strange yet I had other matters to think of right now. I can't cry anymore, I have to survive. Pushing aside my feelings, like I have been doing ever since I came here, I have to find a way.

The book I had been thinking of was Estelle's diary but it was incomplete. She had given it to me when we met, to convince me. I remember skimming through the pages as she left and came for my answer the other day.  She only told me that Arthur's personality became twisted after his mate's death but for what reason did she hide all these years?What could be the future she saw that made her go to such great lengths?

All my memories were jumbled and altered because of the potion she concocted. After remembering everything, there are still things I don't know. How did I end up in this body? What happened to the original owner?

As I contemplated Beatrice's image came to my mind. The blood oath she had taken, how she resisted and won over control. She is surely admirable and I miss her, though we were not real friends to begin with but she is someone I can still regard as one close to me than anyone in this world.

The blood oath.

Now that I think of it, in exchange for the act, Arthur promised me a wish and I asked for an oath, then he mentioned it. Yet, I didn't hear about it later. Should I just ask him to leave me as the wish? Will he allow it? I have to know more about it.

Arthur will be leaving tomorrow, I am pretty sure that he will win and come. I have to race against the clock. Should I just run away? I will be found in no time. If I tell him the truth he won't believe me. His changed demeanor after finding that I was his mate, it was forced affection which would disappear if the truth ever came out. I can't live a fake life, I can't deceive people. What was the future that Estelle saw? What made her do this?

I hiccuped and a year ran down my cheeks. I was weak, so weak. How can I escape this place where everything is a lie.

Thud, thud.

Someone knocked on the door. Wiping the tears from the sleeves of my dress, I got up and opened the door.

"Alex, what are you doing here?"

"I am your personal guard, your majesty," he said with a weak smile.


"And I heard you crying."

I smiled weakly at his kind words and closed the door.

"It was nothing," I said sitting at the edge of the bed.

"I know you're not going to tell me and I won't ask you how you found the lost princess though I am curious."

"I am grateful," I replied.

It was dark, the moon light illuminated his strong build. A feeling of sorrow covered me as I realized that he could be this body's original mate, the reason for his strange affection. I knew that if I would reach my hand out for him, he would hold it, maybe I will do justice to the original owner of this body. Still I can't do that, this won't be love but pity. Loving someone out of pity, it's pathetic. This love will only hurt the other and undermine their value.

"Do you remember when I locked them in their room and cried outside?" I said reminiscing.

"I do, is this why you're crying, they aren't here," he replied with concern in his voice, moving towards me.

"You said you wouldn't ask," I replied in a hoarse voice. He stood in front of me as tears fell down uncontrolled.

"Can I borrow your shoulder to cry once again?" I said standing, looking in his eyes.

As those words left my mouth, the sturdy arms enveloped me. I buried my face in his chest and felt the warmth of embrace spread through me.

I cried, I don't know for how long but when the morning came, there was no one.

Only a carnation flower was left at the bedside table.


I should say something but I don't know what to.

So, don't forget to vote.

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