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My hopes of finding a way to go back have turned bleak and are riddled by confusion. The bed covered with curtains, exquisite furniture, swords and wolves look really appealing but my attachment to reality doesn't wither. The red silk dress hugs my new perfect body and looking in the mirror doesn't distress me though I feel as if I stole somebody's life.

The sun rises again and yet I have nothing to do. I feel like a beautiful to doll placed in a house; though her life seems beautiful, she can only move according to her master's wish. If Arthur doesn't find his mate, will he leave me or still use me as his pawn? Is taking over moon kingdom the solution of everything?

I don't see much of Arthur, he is probably busy in organising and training for the attack. To tell the truth, I have gotten pretty used to living here. I don't have to do any work and everything is served to me like a princess but this isn't what I want. I wanted answers and the reason for being here in this strange werewolf world. It all started with the book who's main characters were Estelle and Cedric. I can't meet Cedric and Estelle is declared dead. A thought lingered in my head, Estelle had gone to a forest and I woke up in a forest. There must be some connection, if I go back maybe I will find her there.

I feel no inclination to get myself ready for the new day but it is the only thing I can do. I kept the flowers given by Alex in one of Arthur's books, it was the first gift given to me by someone from this world. To my surprise I had found a fairytale than a weapon or politics manual among the plethora of book kept in his room. Keenly I had read the tale, it was of a prince and his mate. It was pretty short and had a heart warming familiar ending of happily ever after.

I reminisced being younger and wishing for a prince, coming with a white horse to take me with him. I never thought I would really meet a prince but now when I have, I don't want to be with him. I have to find a way to go back.

As I brushed my hair someone knocks at my door.

"My lady, the queen requests your presence."

The voice belonged to Clove, I was familiar with it now. "Take me to her," I asked as I walked out.

I could never get familiar with the ways of the palace. I followed as her and soon reached the Queen's room who was already sitting with an arrangement of a  really pretty tea set.

"Come and sit with me," she told as I entered and bowed to her.

I settled myself in front of her, observing the nice china as she asked, "You don't look well, is there something bothering you?"

I was indeed sad but I couldn't have told her what was bothering me. Yet I said a covered truth to relieve my heart.

"I haven't seen my family ever since I was attacked. I wish to see my old pack and meet people there. I feel like I don't know myself or anybody."

I don't why but a tear trickles down my face, I really felt alone.

She gets up and sits near me putting her hands around my shoulder,"It's okay darling, it must be painful to forget everything and come here. Hearts always have a longing for our own people even if there's no memory of them."

"Can I go back to see my home?" I asked looking in her eyes innocently.

"Your pack lies in the moon kingdom we can't endanger your life," she told warmly.

"But we have changed sides. My own pack can never harm me."

Even if there was a little chance of getting to find Estelle, I wanted to go there and take it.

"Actually the place Arthur's army will be stationed is your pack, maybe I can ask him to take you but I can't promise anything."

"Thank you so much," I said dimly. I have to wait and see if he takes me or not. I will have to find a way to convince him if he doesn't.


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