Chapter Five

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When Nate got to the training room his dad rushed up to him, causing him to be nervous. He thought he would start yelling at him but instead he hugged him. "Nate," he started but cut himself off. "Where were you?"

"I'm sorry dad I-I was with Jackson I knew we'd be leaving and I wanted to spend some time with him."

His dad didn't say anything he just hugged him again. Then after a moment he said, "They told me what happened when I got here and I thought it was you."

"It should have been, dad I'm so sorry. I should have been-"

"Nate if I had lost you-," he paused and shook his head. "Since the day you were born you were my whole world."

"Dad all I do is take. The day I was born I took mom's life and now-"

"Your mom knew she was going to die that day. They told her she could lose you or she could lose her life. She made that decision and she would be very proud of the man you've grown into." He hugged his son yet again. "You don't take anything Nate. This was not your fault. It's war son, people die."

"Dad if I lost you, I don't know who I would be. I wouldn't be the man I am today. He had a daughter. Who will she be without him?"

"Look at Clarke, look at Bellamy and Jackson and a lot of your friends Nate. You're lucky to still have a dad. She is going to be just fine."

Nate didn't like that people were trying to reassure him. This was absolutely his fault and nothing would change that. He had taken a man's life, a good man's and the pain he felt from that was unbearable.

"We're leaving before the sun comes up tomorrow. Are you going to be okay to go?"

"I'll be there."

"Take the rest of the day off. Get some sleep, go tell Jackson goodbye, but don't beat yourself up." When he said the last part, he grabbed Nate's shoulder and looked him in the eyes. "You understand?"

"Yes sir." Nate said with a sad tone to his voice. "When we're out there, you be safe. I can't lose you dad. I know we argue-"

"We argue because we're stubborn," his dad said with a half smile. "But I love you and I will always be with you." He pointed to Nate's necklace. "I'm so proud of you."

"I love you too," he said and hugged his dad, yet again. "And I know sons never say this but I'm proud of you too dad."


Nate went to his room after his talk with his dad. He wanted to see Jackson but he didn't want to have to say goodbye to him. Around midnight, he was awoken by a knock on the door.

He opened it in just his boxer and Jackson stood on the other side of the door. "Jax?" He asked sleepily.

"You weren't gonna tell me goodbye?" Jackson asked in a sad voice.

"I was but-"

"You're leaving in a few hours, when were you planning to do it?"

"Jackson I was gonna leave you a note." Nate said, he was tired and he really didn't want to be arguing with Jackson right before he left.

"A note? I know we haven't been talking very long but all I get is a note? You care that little about me?"

"What? I care a lot about you Jackson," his tone grew slightly annoyed. "I don't know how you don't see that. I didn't say goodbye to you because I couldn't-"

"You've had all night to come and say goodbye what do you mean you couldn't?"

"You know what Jackson it's really late. I gotta be up soon." He laid back down.

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