Chapter Four

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-A/N: This chapter does contain sexual content-
It had been a little over a month since their first date and Jackson and Nate had grown a lot closer to one another. They spent almost all of their free time together and had been on several dates. Nate was still weird about being affectionate in front of Bryan. Jackson was trying to be understanding but he didn't want Bryan's feeling to be put before his or Nate's. He hadn't said anything to Nate about it and hadn't told him it made him feel weird. At first it was fine but now he wanted to feel like he mattered to Nate more than Bryan did. He knew that was selfish and unfair to ask of him. He had spent years with Bryan and only a month with Jackson, but he hoped things would change soon.

He walked out of the office and Nate was already waiting for him in the lobby. "Hey baby," Nate said running up to him and picking him up in a hug. They hadn't seen each other for the last couple of days and Jackson was surprised to see him today. Neither of them had had any free time and they hadn't been eating any meals at the same time either.

"What're you doing here?" Jackson asked, very excited to see the other man.

"I missed you, so I thought I'd come by and maybe we could go to your place?" Jackson had gotten over his fear of letting Nate come to his place and he had let him stay there a couple of times.

"Not that I wouldn't love that but don't you have to be up really early tomorrow?" Nate's days had gotten longer as they grew closer and closer to war. For two hours before his shift started he had to stand guard outside the gate. Jackson hated that Nate was one of the ones to do that. He worried so much about him, but Nate had volunteered.

"I'll manage, I just wanna spend some time with you. I haven't seen you most of this week."

"I know but I don't want you to be tired and then an attack come and I lose you because I was selfish and asked you to spend time with me."

"Well then when we get there I'll go to sleep," Nate said with a playful smile.

"You won't, you'll wanna kiss me all night," Jackson said in the same playful tone.

"Probably," Nate admitted. "But I won't, I'll sleep."

"Nate, next time you're off-"

"I'm not gonna be off for a while Jax," Nate said seriously. "I don't think we're gonna get much time together before I have to go. But it's fine I'll see you another time." He kissed his cheek and started to leave.

Jackson sighed and took off after him. "Okay, come back with me. I want to spend as much time with you as possible before you leave."

"Are you sure? I don't want to-"

"Nathan," Jackson said in a serious voice, "I want you to come back to my place. Even if it is just to sleep I want to spend the night next to you and I want to wake up with you tomorrow."

Nate smiled at him, "Perfect."

When they got to Jackson's room Nate took off everything but his boxers and his necklace, Jackson did the same.

They laid on the bed side by side, Jackson was propped up on his arm and Nate was laying flat on his back. Jackson was tracing his finger's up and down Nate's torso. He came to his necklace and ran a finger along it. "What's your necklace for?" He asked.

"It was my dad's. He gave it to me just before I was sent to the ground. I didn't know why at the time but I think he did and he wanted me to have a piece of him with me. Me and my dad don't always get along when it comes to work but he's the most important person in my life. He's all I had growing up. Even when I was a thief, he understood."

The Healer and the Fighter Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant