Chapter Three

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It had been over a week since Nate had seen Jackson and he was a little disappointed. He didn't want to be the one to ask him to hang out again, because he didn't want to seem too clingy or desperate. He thought Jackson would say something before they parted ways last time but he hadn't. Nate wasn't going to just never see Jackson again. He would ask him on a date, but he really wanted Jackson to be the one to do it.

He got out of bed and went to his dresser and put on a t-shirt and some sweatpants. He liked to go for a jog before the sun was fully up and then he'd shower and change into the outfit he'd wear during a battle. The soldiers liked to train in those outfits so that way they wouldn't have to adjust to a change of clothing. After he was dressed he made his way to the dining hall for breakfast and saw Jackson talking to Abby. He thought about going and sitting beside them but he didn't know what to say if he wasn't going to ask him to hang out, so instead he sat down at a table with Murphy, Emori, Clarke, Bellamy and Monty. They all made casual small talk and Nate really enjoyed their company. Everyone had finished before him so he was left sitting alone at his table.

He was about to get up to leave but someone sat down next to him. He looked up and saw that it was Jackson. "Hey," Jackson said and offered him a smile.

"Hey." Nate replied and didn't know what else to say.

"So I was hoping I could get you alone for a minute." Jackson said and Nate thought that meant he was either in trouble for something or Jackson had changed his mind and didn't want to go on a date with him.

"You have me." Nate said in response and thought that it came off a little bit harsh. He knew Jackson wanted to go somewhere private but Nate didn't really have the time. He had to be at work soon and no one was around anyways, so no one would overhear their conversation.

"I wanted to ask if you'd want to go on a date with me." Jackson paused, "Like a real date this time."

Nate smiled, his mood with Jackson shifting immediately, "Yeah I would love that." He hoped the word love didn't make him sound too eager but he was really eager to spend more time with him. They talked about when they were both off and decided that they would have their date on Sunday. "I gotta go now I don't wanna be late." Jackson agreed and Nate kissed his cheek before leaving the dining hall.

He got to the training room just in time. Everyone was about to start pushups and he was relieved he wasn't late. "Just in time Miller," his dad said. He was only slightly annoyed that he was working with his dad again today. He liked working with any other chief more because he couldn't get by with anything under his dad's watch. He was trying to be better with his dad, though, because he had really missed him when he was on the ground and his dad was on the ark. He just wished he could some time with him outside of training. Nate took his regular place and started doing his push-ups just like everyone else.

The rest of the morning went by pretty smoothly. Unfortunately, Bryan was on his team today and he couldn't help but glance at him every now and then. It was so awkward to be around him. Once when they were running their shoulders hit into each other and Bryan told Nate to watch where he was going. Nate didn't know why he was being hateful. They ended on good terms and it was one thing to be awkward, he could have understood that, but there was no reason for him to be rude. "If you have a problem Bryan say it." Nate said when they went to lunch.

"I do have a problem Nate." Bryan said shoving him slightly, "Now get out of my face."

"Hey first of all don't put your hands on me Bry," even though they had broke up Nate didn't like the idea of Bryan getting aggressive with him. "Second of all either you talk to me or you knock it off with this attitude, but either way we're on the same side and we have to work together."

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