Chapter 5

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We get to my house and I go up to my room while he stays downstairs and talks with my mom. I grab a tux undershirt (A/N I don't know what they are called but I hope u get what I mean<3) And a navy blue crew neck. I then grab some ripped jeans and my fishnets. I put on my outfit and grab my high top converse. I fixed my hair, I just left it down since I straightened it yesterday. I then fix my makeup a bit and grab some jewelry. I go downstairs and see Karl sitting and laughing with my mom.

"Hey mama" I said to her. "We are gonna go out. But I will be home before 5 to make you dinner"

"take your time hun. Have fun! Your aunt will be here to cook for me" She says to me with a smile.

I smile and grab my bag and board and we left.

We got into his car and drove off. We pulled up to our favorite skate park.

"Wow, it looks the same as it did when I left" I say with a laugh. Walking up to it.

"Yeah. no one really comes here anymore" He says. "I still come here every once in a while to keep my skills up"

"I haven't skated in years." I admit.

"Well then you have a lot of catching up to do" He says dropping in.

"Hey that's not fair" I say with a laugh. I drop in after him, almost crashing. I stop myself before I run into some railing.

"Wow you really suck" He says skating past me.

"Haha." I say flipping him off. I get back on my board and start to get the feel of it again. As I'm riding I see him try and do an olly but fail and fall over.

"Wow you really suck" I say imitating him.

He runs over to me and pulls me off my board. Catching me before I fell to the ground. Landing as if he was dipping me at the end of a big dance.

"What a clutz" He says to me with a smirk.

"That's it Jacobs! You're dead!" I say escaping his hold. He starts laughing and running from me.

~Karl POV~

She started chasing me down. I was laughing hysterically at this point. I turn around to see how close she was and she was gone. I stop and look around.

"GOT YA"  I hear right before I get tackled to the ground.

"Well shit." I say with a laugh. We sat there laughing. I noticed how close we were. I noticed her smile. Her laugh. Her greyish blue eyes. Her hair in her face.

I take my hand and move her hair out of her face. She looks at me and smiles.

"Ok nerd. Let's get out of here" I say. We get up and walk over to my car.

"To the mall!" She says while getting in the car. We blasted some music as we drove to the mall.

We get to the mall and she gets out of the car and opens my door for me.

"M'lady" She says, putting out her hand. I roll my eyes and laugh. I get out and she grabs my hand to hold it. I feel myself blush. What's wrong with me.

We walk into the mall and head over to her favorite store. It's a record store.

"Ooo I don't have this one" she says pulling a Heart record.

"Well get it" I say. I start looking through the records to find a Frank Sinatra record.

"Frank Sinatra That's The Life" She says reading the record I picked up.

"I don't have this" I say.

"Then let's get it" She says with a smile. We look around a bit more then decide to check out. She grabbed my record and took it with her to the front. As I reached for my wallet I noticed her reaching for hers as well.

One Day (Karl Jacobs fanfic)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang