Chapter 3

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(This chapter is kinda a repeat of the 1st one but in Karls POV. It does hold some important info but you can skip it if you want ig lmao. It does have some new info tho so you might wanna read)

~Karl POV~

I roll over to hear soft snores from next to me. I open my eyes to see Ophie sleeping. I remember when this used to be a weekly thing. Watch Harry Potter all night then wake up next to eachother. I wish I could tell her all the reasons i fucked this up all those years ago.


"I cant believe you right now!" She yelled at me throwing her hands up.

"What did i do!" I yell back at her.

"Don't pull that shit on me Karl" She said making sure to use my real name.

"Dont get pissy with me because you chose date night over my game Ophelia!" I yell back at her saying her name in retaliation.

"Why are you so butt hurt over a stupid little game!" She yells to me. Its not just a game. Its her. I haven't seen her in forever. I miss her. And i will never admit it but, i think i have feelings for her. I should have never helped her get together with Jack.

"Ophelia, it was the last game of the season. You only went to one other game because of 'date night' i wanted my best friend there" I said to he, i was holding back tears. I could tell she looked sorry for a second.

"Why cant you just be happy for me!?" She says to me. "If you didnt want this to happen you shouldn't of helped us get together."

"I didnt know that i would loose my best friend" I said, almost whispered. The idea of talking making my throat swell. I choked back tears not doing a very good job, she could clearly see them as i left her room.

"Kar-" She says to me as i close her door behind me. I walked down to my house. Walking right past my mom and her questions of my tear stained face. I walked to my room. I lay on my bed. I cried. I got a text.

O: Window?

I put my phone down on my bed and got up. I walked over to the window contemplating just talking to her. But instead before i could decide i closed the curtains. It hurt me to do that to her, but it also hurt me to see her right now. I walked over to my bed. I look over at my night stand and see a picture of me and Ophie from last year. I grab the frame and hold it close. I cry and hold the picture to my chest.

They next 2 days were absolute shit. I just sat in my room and either cried or watched Harry Potter. She haven't reached out to me. I finally get out of bed and decide to go over to her house. She super stubborn so this could go on for weeks if i didnt do anything. I walk over to her house. Hesitating before knocking on her bedroom door.

"Go away." A faint stuffy voice says. I open the door. I look over at her bed and there she was. Her face was tear ridden and puffy.

"Kar-" She says standing up giving me a hug. I hug her back. Ive needed this.

"Ophie I'm sorry" I say to he. "It was just a stupid game and I'm happy that you and jack are together"

OK i might have lied about that last part but I'm not about to out my feeling for my bestfriend right as she's gonna forgive me.

"Kar- It wasn't a stupid game. I ditched you. I'm so sorry. Ive missed you so much." She says to me. We pull away from eachother. "And Jack broke up with me"

"What?" I say to her. I try my best to hide my excitement. I dont think she noticed.

"Yeah but its fine i guess" She says to me. She hugs me again. Butterflies.

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