Chapter 10. Loving sister

Start from the beginning

Showing the bear maximum respect she could conjure at this moment, she slightly nodded in the direction of the newcomers, acknowledging their presence, but did not exchange a word of greeting. When she had become a watcher student, she and the other students had received a small guideline book with regulations they needed to follow in the future, rules other packs needed to follow in contact with them, and other such things.

In the book, it was stated that by becoming a watcher, one was no longer part of their original pack, but he/she was part of the pack that was formed together with the other watchers and, extended, they were part of the royal pack.

As such, they were required to maintain their distance from the members with authority from their original pack, and to only conduct themselves in a formal way, not in the humble manner they were previously accustomed to. This applied from the moment their tattoo appeared on their bodies. As students, they were already considered half a watcher.

Explaining further, it meant that submission to their home pack's alpha, not only was no longer required of them, it was even prohibited.

"What are you doing not bowing to your alpha? Your mother told me what a stupid thing you were doing. Honestly, begging her just to become a laughing stock?

Are you getting cocky now, when you have not even taken the test at the Academy?" He boomed furious. Her father always had a strict demeanor and would scold her for the smallest of supposed mistakes. He was also one, as much as her mother, who showed a difference in treatment, believing the Luna fate that belonged to her sister.

"It is alright Robert. Don't get angry. The girl did not mean any disrespect." Richard said smiling, but Abigail slightly frowned at her actions.

Celia did not respond to her father, ignoring him, still looking at her brother. Her father's imposing voice no longer held any importance to her. She had never felt fear towards her father, as one would fear a higher ranked alpha, only treated him with respect.

It had given the latter the impression that she feared him, but now with the veil not covering her eyes anymore, the previous respect was nonexistent. For some reason she had the feeling her father also knew and participated in the lie. If not at the very beginning, as he was away, later he was most likely informed of what her sister and mother did.

"I am leaving now. I will text you later with my new number, the Academy issued another number for me that I am obligated to have. You can contact me using that number whenever you want.

If you ever have any problems or just wish to see me, give me a call and I will arrange a plane ticket for you immediately. Don't think about the costs, alright? Just give me a call and it will be done." She slightly smiled at her brother and kissed his forehead.

"Wait, why does it sound like you are never coming back?" Daniel asked worried, something was really wrong.

She only smiled lightly and was about to leave, she did not want to be in this place even for a minute longer. The pain of the bond was still making her sick. She wanted to be far away. At the Academy she was never like this at all, the phantom pain did not appear even once.

"Celia, wait!" Shouted Rayan, as he came running after her. Brianna had tried to stop him, but he shrugged her off and came for her, with Brianna and her mother following behind. How could he let his true mate leave? She must have misunderstood the situation, she must have thought he did not want her. As long as he explained she would understand him and return, she was his... she was the only one in this world who would understand and love him truly.

"Alpha Rayan and Luna Brianna, congratulations for your appointment!" She said simply with only her head turned towards them. Her expressionless face did not show any emotion in particular, but her words were meant to separate the relationships between them to those of merely acquaintances, or even less.

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