skate park

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"damn there's a lot of people here today" vinnie said as he was getting the boards out of the car.

it was a Friday afternoon so it was petty full at the skate park. we were bored so vinnie agreed to teaching me how to skate. keep in mind I didn't have any skating experiences ever, so it was gonna be interesting.

"you excited?" vinnie asked

"yeah, let's see how much concussions and injuries over today!" I said which made vinnie chuckle.

"I'll be teaching you, so let's hope you won't get a single scratch"

I started with cruising around for a little bit, but I got nervous because there were much more talented skaters around, including vinnie, and I was barely getting the hang of having balance on the board.

"lets go in that little hole looking thing!" I said rushing over.

"you ready? I'll be at the bottom if you fall" vinnie said as he slid down.

what the fuck omg, I put the board out and my left leg in front, all I had to do was let my body go- I DID IT OUCH, I fell face front but vinnie managed to sorta grab me.

"girl you okay?" vinnie said which made me laugh, "yeah I didn't bust my shit just got a scratch"

we continued at the skate park and I think I got better at it, but then some girls came up to Vinnie, which were his fans, they were really pretty tho!

"um hey can you take us a picture?" this  girl had a bitchy face expression on and she handed me the phone like nothing, I could see Vinnie give a "sorry" look.

I put on a blank face in and took a picture when that bitch decided to give vinnie a kiss on the cheek as a pose, "i- I dont think that's a good idea" vinnie said trying to sound nice, she backed away slowly and I gave a smile.

they left, and we left aswell."wanted to smack her on the spot" I said

"that was c'mon let's just take a picture but respect me like damn" vinnie said. he was right, like he's a human too.

"right, she acted as if I was a random ass stranger and gave a bitchy ass face" I said

"but don't worry, you're mine and I'm yours, don't let girls make you feel any less of yourself"

ugh just every word that trailed off of him made him 100x more attractive in my eyes.

VINNIE HACKER IMAGINESTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon