sneaking out

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my anxiety is skyrocketing as I'm trying  to find a perfect time to sneak out the house. oh my goodness why did I ever agree to sneaking out.

my mom didn't really give a fuck about what I did but still, I was a nervous train wreck.

my phone reads 9:31 pm, and I take a deep breath and try opening and closing the front door very quietly, well my mom is a heavy sleeper but still.

"oh why did I just fucking do that!" I say talking to myself, and then yay, my phone starts ringing with a call from vinnie, my boyfriend.



"Im at the bleachers already!" vinnie says with an excited tone

"how can you like not freak out right now, im literally about to cry I've never fucking snuck out" I whispered hoping my mother wouldn't bust out that door any minute suddenly.

"c'mon remember that one weekend your mom went for some business trip and we traveled to a whole different state" vinnie says, ah yes the memories coming back. probably one of my biggest high points in life

vinnie just got another side of me, the wild side of me, he let me learn about myself more.

"okay okay good thing the schools field is literally down my block, see you babe bye" I say with a kiss through the call

"no no, let's stay on call, just want to make sure your safe"

I made it to the field and looked around to see a body figure on the bleachers, and could immediately recognize it's him, vinnie.

"oh shut the fuck up, you brought food!"I say heading over to sit on the bleachers.

he wrapped me in one of the blankets he had, and at that moment I realized how lucky I was, I was the main character. it was like I was literally living straight out of a Wattpad book or a teenage romance movie.

we ate some snacks and made some tiktok drafts, I asked vinnie to not announce our relationship since I was probs expecting his fans to be deadly.

"you know what, fuck it I could care less what they say, I just want the world to know I'm in love with VINNIE HACKER!" I say running to the middle of the field, ending it with a yell at the end. and it was true, who cared what other people thought, at the end of the day it's just me and Vinnie, Vinnie and me. us.

we plop down and he posts it, he throws the phone on the side and I let it a giggle, "okay but for real, I'm scared" I say laughing.

he walks me back to my house and we both say bye. as I'm sneaking back in through the window, my phone bursts with notifications on instagram.

oh no, how the fuck is tiktok room so fast.

oh no, how the fuck is tiktok room so fast

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tiktokroom: OOP we all saw that tiktok on Vinnie's account 🍵 #baewatch

USERNAME: oh no, the vinnie stans not gonna like this one

USERNAME: vinnie, you fucking started world war 3


USERNAME: guys, we should be happy for vin! she's gorgeous 😄
USERNAME: nuh uh, she took our man

ALEJANDROSARIO: 😐 get back to cheating and getting into scandals

ZARBRUH: vinnie, please pray for the weeks of abuse you getting from your fans

ZARBRUH: NAH on a real note I'm happy for my man ♥️

egh fuck tiktokroom, well actually I think world war 3 did just start and it has my name marked on it

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