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"where we going?", I said to my friend as I changed the song that was playing in spotify.

"alejandro said coach let them leave early" alessya was driving towards the school and it was 7pm. The sunset was beautiful so I took a snap and posted it.

we arrived at the field and alessya had to stay behind because she had to get something from her car,and she told me to go on.

as I was walking, I noticed rose petals on the ground and said,"roses?" To myself as I was confused on why there were roses on the ground.

I saw one of Vinnie's soccer team members coming towards me so I just said hi, "hi Jayden! oh,um, is this for me-" he had handed me a rose, and I was VERY CONFUSED, I got a rose after rose from each team member until I walked to the last rose, my eyes started watering, I could see vinnie standing with a huge teddy bear, and when I looked at the bleachers, people were holding up lighted letters that made the words, "homecoming?"

I walked to Vinnie with an ocean, and I couldn't believe what was just happening, I saw flashlights which I'm guessing people were recording.

"wanna go to homecoming babe?"vinnie said with a whisper as he pulled me in for a kiss

I was looking at his eyes and it was almost like I had gotten lost in them, nobody has ever done anything like this for me and I was absolutely melted.

"si" I said but shook when Vinnie yelled , "I DID IT, IM TAKING THE FINEST GIRL TO HOCO!"

It was almost like my world had slowed in time and it was just me and Vinnie there, kissing passionately while everyone was screaming and saying things like "AWE!" or "THATS MY MOTHERFUCKING BESTFRIEND"

"te amo vincent cole hacker"

"I love you more y/n, more than you'll ever know"

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