Lucky Leaf, I Caught You

Start from the beginning

"She's gonna be sick," Chloe scampered away from her sister, attempting to get as far away as the truck would allow.

Shawn slammed on the brakes causing the girls to jerk forward and then back as he pulled the car over to the side of the road. He hopped out and opened Halle's door, grateful for his quick response time. The man watched as his foster child spilled her guts out while still buckled in. He patted her back softly and waited for her to finally calm down. There was nothing but silence until Shawn let out a sigh. He was done; until finally Halle spoke.

"I don't want you to be like daddy, like Mike...Shawn please, I'm sorry," Halle wiped her mouth and peered up to Shawn with wide eyes and hands that were  clasped together looking as though she worshipped the very ground he stood on.

He was trying to think about what to say. I'm not him? Don't compare me to that nigga? I would never do anything to harm you? I'm here? The street light began to flicker and darkness was encroaching all around them when the chirp of a cop car lit its lights up. The officer hopped out with his partner and Shawn exhaled realizing this had to be one of the worst nights he's had in awhile. Chloe turned around in her seat, her heart beating a mile a minute, her tongue felt tacky, and her fingers wouldn't stop fidgeting. She looked to Shawn to see what he'd do. The man wiped at his face and made sure Halle's head was all the way in the car before he closed the door.

"What seems to be the problem officer," Shawn asked.

"Well we saw you were pulled over on the side of the road, having car trouble," the red headed officer chewed his gum loudly with his hand on his holster.

Shawn gazed at the two girls through the window before answering, "Nah just a little motion sickness from one of my kids."

The officer took out his flashlight and patrolled toward the backseat. Shawn took a step back to give the man room. Halle shielded her eyes from the light while Chloe squinted and looked away. He motioned for the smaller girl to roll the window down, which she did carefully.

"Is this your father young lady," the cop asked, still shining his bright light in the girl's face.

Halle eyed Shawn incredulously.

"Maybe if you get the light out her face she could answer you," Shawn called from behind.

The officer turned toward his partner and nodded Shawn's way. 'Here come the officers askin' for a search. These pig ass mufuckas always on some other shit damn' Shawn raised his hands in the air as the uniformed officer approached him.

"You, you Jay-z man damn I couldn't even recognize you in this dark, I'm a fan of your work," the officer held out his hand for Shawn to shake.

Cautiously, the man lowered his arms, still keeping an eye on the officer at his window. Shawn chuckled nervously and dapped the man up.

"That's always nice to hear."

"Watchu doing out here at this time man? I thought a brother like you would travel with at least three, four bodyguards or something," the officer chuckled.

"Man just came to pick my kids up, heading back home," Shawn nodded.

The officer looked confused but didn't question him, "they weren't at that cabin party about fifteen minutes out were they?"

Shawn scrunched his face up when he noticed the other officer still talking to Halle, "nah they good girls one of them just get car sick."

A half smirk came up on the officer's face, "You're free to leave, oh, would you like a police escort home," the officer asked with about as much inflection as a restaurant worker would when offering cheese on a burger.

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