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My boyfriend Manuel and I was fucking like energizer bunnies. I was bouncing up and down on his thick dick like a pogo stick. The headboard tapped roughly against the wall as we were entangled in the sheets, a sweaty fucking mess. "Oh fuck!" I whimpered, feeling a slap to my fleshy ass cheek. I gripped the headboard and got in a squatting stance and bounced faster. I was acting a fool on the dick. I threw my head back looking at us from the mirror on his ceiling. "Mmm shit!" I smiled at the hand that gripped my throat and stuck my tongue out. Manuel switched positions with me till where he was on top and shoved himself deeper inside of my drenched cunt. "Oh shit keep going Ima bust " I squealed, feeling it coming. I huffed hard when Manuel busted inside the condom.

Manuel kissed me on the lips and pulled his protected dick out of me making me moan from the feeling. "Shit girl" He groaned, flopping down on the bed after trashing the used condom. "You and that pussy of yours," He chuckled, making me chuckle too. "Gonna be the death of me," I didn't say anything, I just laid there staring at him.

I couldn't say the same for him, but I did love him. Manuel had a decent sized dick, but did he know how to use it? No. I just loved to boost his ego because I wouldn't be a good girlfriend if I didn't. Sex ain't everything anyways. I pulled the sheets up to my bare chest and turned over preparing myself for sleep not caring what he was doing. The fan blew in my face making me feel at ease to sleep. I felt Manuel pull me in his arms to spoon me. "Bae," he mumbled, sweeping my Auburn hair to the side and kissing my temple. "Hm," I mumbled half sleep, frowning at the fact his flaccid dick was resting on my butt.

"I want you nah fuck that I need you to be careful out here," He said in a serious tone that made me roll over to look at him. We made eye contact. "Manuel what's wrong?" I sat up immediately after seeing the look on his face.


I woke up to screaming coming from down the hall, in presumably my "parents" room. I sat up and yawned, stretching out over the cheap comforter that I had successfully stolen from Wal-Mart. I ignored the wetness between my legs and grabbed a pair of leggings as well as my boyfriend's red hoodie and stuffed them into my packed bag and headed towards the window. I glanced over at my unmade bed. I knew I wasn't coming back, the bruises on my thighs and dried up blood on the comforter reminding me of why I needed to leave in the first place.

After double-checking that all of the doors in the connecting closet I called my room were locked, I crawled out of the small window and pulled out the small phone my boyfriend had purchased me, requesting an uber for myself. I checked my pants pocket to make sure the crumbled up two twenty dollar bills were still there. Following the map, I walked to the small landmark that I would be picked up from and waited, reading excerpts from my journal to keep me occupied. After waiting for several minutes a black sports car pulled up, making me check the app for the make and model, seeing it was an i8. I hurriedly closed my journal and packed it away in my belongings and walked over to the passenger side, flipping my hair over my shoulder.

As I approached the passenger side, the door retracted and lifted up, startling me as I had never seen such a car with my own eyes. Looking at the driver, I noticed his almost black eyes first, reminding me of a demon of sorts. His face was littered with face tats as well, making me clutch my bag closer to my person. As this person looked no older than 18, I wondered if he was just a wayward child of some rich parents or a drug dealer.

Either way, he didn't look trustworthy or friendly so I wondered why he would be driving people around in the first place and why hire him. As I had been staring blankly for a while, he leaned towards the side and cleared his throat.

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