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Kulture held her 6.1 inch iPhone in her small manicured left hand propping the cellular device between her makeup clad cheek and bronzed shoulder blade listening with only half an ear as her  fifteen-year-old best friend, Bambi babbled about how Jacorian was dodging her texts and calls, but active on social media. Kulture rolled her eyes inward and slapped her hand down on the marble granite countertop, becoming exasperated with how loud her father,Jahseh, was being with his annoying ass best friends, Jarad and Stokeley. They always met up with each other on the weekends due to their hectic business schedules. In front of her was her cordless vanity mirror surrounded by her makeup products. She was beating her face and stuffing it at the same time. She'd been avoiding Stokeley ever since that night he put his hands on her and what transpired after.


Kulture's chest heaved up and down as she listened to Stokeley's baritone voice whispering harshly in her ear. It was barely perceptible at first, and then unhurriedly increasing in volume. She felt his hand leaving her windpipe and their eyes meeting instead. His eyes fell down to her neck glancing at the slightly purple patch of skin from where he had applied pressure. Subconsciously his fingers began to stroke and caress her neck soothingly before applying his lips to the already purple area.

The pecks he was applying to her sore neck gave off pleasurable feelings and sensations throughout her body. Something she wasn't familiar with. Her mouth became ajar and she felt as if she couldn't breathe for a moment when he dragged the tip of his tongue along her neck and slithered it around before suctioning his lips on her flesh. She couldn't think at all and how bad this was. It was feeling way too good. She didn't know how to tell him to stop. Her chest heaved up and down even more and her breathing went heavier as small pants elicited from her. Stokeley was tipsy as hell and was horny as fuck. He knew he was wrong for his actions, but he got a hold of some Hennessy and wanted to take it out on Kulture. It's clear he wasn't thinking. He's known her since she was born. He sunk his pearly white teeth in her neck and licked, nibbled, and sucked on her, inhaling her fruity scent. The sound of her panting was evident in his eardrums, and the feel of her chest heaving up and down was felt considering he was hovering over her.

"Ah," Kulture moaned involuntarily, finally giving in after holding her moans in. The response to the stimuli of being kissed on her neck and how her nervous system was reacting to the pleasurable sensation in an unintended manner had her acting out. Leaving her neck alone for now, Stokeley mashed his lips against hers. He held her face in his big hands and explored her mouth. Their lips moved in sync, his lips danced on her mouth as his thumb was in her ear and the rest of his fingers were wrapped around her slender neck. Pulling away slightly, he eyed her with hooded eyes.

"Bitch!" Bambi's high—pitched voice blared through the phone. "You're giving me the impression that you don't give a fuck about what I gotsa say, I hear you through the phone stuffing your fat ass face and I'm about to spin the block on Jacorian's no good ass. He ain't hit me up in a week, but oh he will when I post a thirst trap pic on the gram and the caption says nacho bitch. He always wanna be active on Facebook instead of responding to my imessage but can flaunt that lil ass gun he got like he really about something like my nigga you don't gotta go live every moment of your life," Bambi went off, putting the fat ass blunt to her lips and grabbing the BIC lighter she stole from her ma's room off her wooden nightstand. Tyria  could hear static from her best friend's end  and her brothers who were triplets Brandon, Bryson, and Boomer arguing over who would play the game next while Bambi  threatened to beat their asses and sling them in the bed if they didn't stop their bullshit. "Now my mama knows she's too damn old to be popping pussy in the club on a Saturday. I'm tired of babysitting mane," Bambi fake whined in the phone before doing a Chief Keef cough.

𝐒𝐈𝐗𝐓𝐄𝐄𝐍–𝐘𝐄𝐀𝐑–𝐎𝐋𝐃 Kulture rubbed her plump heart—shaped  lips together tasting the cherry flavored lip gloss on her taste buds before smacking her lips together and poking them back out and wiping the excess gloss from around her lips. Her lips stretched  into a smile as she fingered through her freshly installed weave loving the silky texture and how she could glide her fingers through it without any tangling problems or shedding. "Girl boo the fuck! My attention span is not always about to be on you so stop your shit and as for Corion I hope you're using precautions fucking around with his no good dirty dick ass. I know you saw when he went live a few months back going off about how Karkisha burnt him and gave him herpes. I hope you ain't that dam stupid to be letting him fuck raw. Hold on girl,"

She set the phone down and got up from the stool pulling a wedgie out of her silk pajama shorts from her cheeky underwear being sucked in between her ass cheeks. She seriously had to stop wearing them bitches because they stayed in between her ass. She made her way over to the refrigerator slapping her pink fuzzy slippers against the marble floor. She reached down and got the queso cheese dip that came with her Mexican meal and closed the fridge with her voluptuous hip. 

Her fiery red hair moved swiftly  side to side brushing her back considering she was only wearing a bandeau as she sashayed back towards the countertop. The balls of her manicured feet rested on the legs of the stool as she sat back down flipping her weave over her shoulder engaging in the conversation with her best friend.

"But yeah girl why trip on Jacorion?" She said making a stank face not understanding the hype her best friend had with him, taking the plastic top off the cup and pouring the cheese dip on her meal to add more flavor. " He ain't got shit to offer but infected community dick and headaches so why trip sis," she mumbled, stuffing her face, slightly rolling her eyes at how good the food was. "Yo watch ya fucking mouth!" Her daddy's voice boomed making her jump and spill her cheese dip all over the counter. Kulture looked up at her daddy, Jahseh.

She could tell he was upset with her choice of words from the way his jawline was tensed and jutted as he stared back at her holding a forty dollar Hennessy bottle in his hand. "Sorry daddy," she mumbled, holding the phone close to her ear and rolling her eyes too once her back was turned from him to go get the dish towel to clean up the mess she made. She smacked her lips hearing Bambi cackling loud as fuck. " Look, Ima hit you back," Kulture said bitterly, lowkey salty she got yelled at and Bambi was laughing about it. Hanging up on her Kulture cleaned up the mess she made, and angrily put her food away stomping out of the kitchen to head to her room upstairs. As she was bypassing the lit up hallway bathroom her mouth was covered and  she was grabbed into it, Kulture damn near screamed, but stopped once she smelled his signature cologne.

She snatched away from him and turned to look at him. "I should've cracked you in yo shit," she said calmly while mean mugging him even though she felt otherwise. Looking at Stokeley she shook her head at how most of his black dreads were being supported by a thick rubber band and a few hung loosely to compliment his handsome face and how his belt was doing a poor job of holding his pants up exposing his boxers. He looked around and licked his lips as he did it  before stepping up to her and getting in her face. "We need to talk,"

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