The Unknown

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"So" Ronny pondered, "Are we going to the mall or the gun store first" Ronny asked, packing his own materials into the duffle bag I supplied him with as I carefully counted all of the supplies we would need.

I huffed at him "I don't know vro, what do y'all wanna do?" I mumbled before glancing at our group. Most of us were packed, we were just going over the plan for the next day.

Scar chuckled, pouring the contents of goldfish crackers into the palm of his hand "This nigga said he don't know as if he ain't the leader,"

I bucked at him in a playful manner and as he flinched, I smacked the bag of goldfish crackers off his lap making a mess on the floor. "Ole flinching ass nigga man," I chuckled, picking up the bag of crackers and handing it back to him, ignoring that he snatched it.

Stokeley shook his head "So if we're robbing a bank and them jewelry stores in the mall, we probably gonna need weapons and shit first in case we gotta put the motherfucker to use," Ski added as we all nodded in agreement liking the sound of that. Me and him have been doing this shit together forever, ever since we met we've been inseparable

"Yo bet, there's a gun store not far from the mall, we can just stop there. Did we decide who's driving yet," Ronny asked as he leaned back into the couch with his arm resting on the headrest and legs sprawled open, looking down at his phone.

"Coolie, don't you got a van of some sort and did you take care of those fake license plates?" I asked, looking up at him from my spot on the floor.

Coolie nodded. "Yeah? Alright we can use that. Let's load in our bags and shit now so we're ready" He offered as we nodded at the idea and I started zipping up my bag.

"Ight so we got the food and water, we got our weapons, but we finna stop by the store first. We got two empty bags available to place what we steal, anything else we need?" I read over the list we had as the guys looked deep in thought and I looked across each of their faces especially Scar with them crumbs on his face.

"Nah, I don't think so. Let's review who's in charge of bringing what" Ski said, taking out his own list that he had been making.

"So me and Jah are going to be the ones to get the shit out of the safe, Tank and Kin$oul will be the guards looking out for anyone trying to interrupt what the fuck we got going on, Craig can help us break into places and shit, Scar can be our weapons guy" He started reading the list as the guys listened and watched Ski intently.

"That bobby pin using ass nigga," Scar snorted with laugher and immediately stared coughing and choking.

"He about to die eating his favorite snack talking hella shit," Trunks said shaking his head.

"Tank and Kin$oul will do good as bodyguards so I wouldn't even care if they had to fight too, Bhris and Trunks can help carry the supplies along with the rest of the gang and the food and water. One of y'all can drive too," Ski finished reading off the list. They all nodded as Bhris stood up from the couch and stretched with a yawn, picking up the duffle bags with supplies near him.

Slowly the group began disassembling to their private rooms of my house until it was just me and Ski in the living room. I stood up and plopped onto the couch stifling a yawn.

"So we just finna steal a bunch of shit and go back home?" Ski's tired voice brought me back to reality. I opened my eyes and sat up as I glanced around the room I was in.

"Mm what" I mumbled, not having heard what he said as I was too tired to clearly think. I was just ready to get my share of the money and expensive shit

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