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We made this simply out of humor, but I actually enjoyed writing it. Enjoy. This is 2,617 words. Again don't forget to vote, comment, and add to your library. How was y'all day.

Jahseh pov

I slurped the chicken flavored ramen noodles out of the inexpensive Dollar Tree bowl that I used specifically only for noodles. It was noodle juice everywhere on the table, but it was only because I was thirsty to get back to my IMVU girlfriend who was waiting on me in one of my chatrooms.

I was starting to regret making three packs of noodles since it was taking me awhile to finish eating it. I would've thrown them away, but I wanted to avoid an ass whooping and also a long speech from my mother on why we shouldn't waste food in this house.

I twirled the silver fork into the noodles, and shoveled more flavored noodles into my mouth as I glance up at Stokeley who was too engrossed with his phone. He looked up from his phone and snickered at what I'm guessing the mmm sounds I made from eating these noodles before bringing his head back down to his phone. I harshly tapped him getting his attention.

"Mmm...if you tapping for me to suck your dick again for a cheeseburger, I can make an exception deddy cause I stays hungry," Stokeley imitated in a girlish voice batting his nonexistent eyelashes making that face momo be making.

I snorted getting out of the chair stretching and popping my limbs. I picked up the bowl "I know I'm a sexy nigga and all, but you can miss me with that gay shit," I sat the bowl down in front of him. "This isn't close enough to being a cheeseburger, but it'll do for now." I patted his back running up the stairs.

Loud, distinctive clapping sounds filled my ears as I made it up the last step. I scrunch my face up in disgust knowing it was Ming getting his rocks off because it damn sho wasn't my mama. My mama wasn't allowed to date and I would make sure them niggas knew that as soon as they step foot through the door ready to swoon her.

I walked up to the door Ming was supposedly in and kicked it. "Ming you know your dick ain't pass your balls yet, and tell that bitch to shut up sounding like a damn hyena." I laughed profusely and put my ear up against the door hearing the bed creak then stop. I furrowed my eyebrows wondering why I didn't hear anything. Just as I was about to move my ear away to stop eavesdropping the door busted open startling me almost making me fall in, but a shove to my chest made me stumble back.

"What the fuck" I mumbled catching my balance before meeting eyes with my mama who was sporting a satin bonnet and cotton robe with a belt in hand.

I watched in shock as my mama glanced around the hallway before focusing her chocolate eyes back on me. "Jahseh Dwayne Ricardo Onfroy, I just know your black ass ain't cussing in my house like you pay the damn bills!" she snarled at me standing in her doorway with a displeased look on her face. I saw from my peripheral vision Stokeley running up the stairs wolfing down the noodles I gave him. "Ming be fucking in my house?"

I could only suck my teeth in return. "Come on ma why you doing all that when I got company over," I complained finger combing through my black and blonde dreads and rubbing over the sides of my faded hair.

"Boy shut that up and suck your teeth at me again like you did yesterday when I told you to take the meat out of the freezer and watch me pop you in your lip." she said pointing a finger at me. "I don't want you using that filth in my house Jahseh and I mean it because if I catch you using it again I'm gonna put this belt on your ass,"

Stokeley appeared next to me sucking the noodle juice off his fingers one by one. "I told him about that mama,"

I rolled my eyes on the slick hearing Stokeley laughing because he ain't tell me shit, but what caught my eye was the dark hair emerging from out of the covers making eye contact with me. My eyes widened and my jaw dropped, watching the Asian nigga peek from under the covers. I looked back over to Ski seeing his jaw dropped and also the bowl of noodles letting the liquids of noodle juice and hot sauce saturate the grey carpet.

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