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Lilly huffed as she tried to stop from crying, knowing that eventually, she was going to be severely punished and after seeing the angered face of her caregiver as well as the tone of his voice let her know that she would not be able to talk or whine her way out of this one. Cursing under his breath, Jahseh approached the hallway that he had seen her run down. Opening each door, he stopped at the end of the hallway where the door to the lone bathroom was situated. Once he tried opening the door, he was confirmed of Lily's whereabouts from the shriek that came from behind it. He jiggled the doorknob and frustratedly running a hand down his face, he took a deep breath in an attempt to calm himself. " Lily, open the door for daddy" he stated in a firm voice, hearing her whining continue. "Noooooo, daddy you're gonna hurt me" she cried,  being slightly muffled due to the thick walls. "I'm not gonna hurt you princess just come out please so we can talk" he suggested, knowing she was still going to be punished for ruining his home. "Please kitten," Lilly averted her eyes to the tile floor with quivering lips as she backed slowly away from the door, seeing the shadows of her caregiver feet under the door as she stifled a sob.

The thought of last time where she did something wrong a few weeks prior  that angered Jahseh had her tummy feeling uncomfortable as she was bent over his bony knee in his BMW i8 with her flimsy skirt up, panties engulfed in between her ass cheeks, and the palm of his hand making contact with her ass, spanking her hard till he became satisfied by the red tint on her plump ass and Lilly's blubbering. Jahseh could be petty sometimes. If she made him mad enough he would roll down the windows so people could hear better and see in more clearly and after he was done disciplining her he'd make her come in the store with him full blown crying and act as if nothing happened while onlookers looked at them like they were abnormal. She was scared out of her mind as she collapsed on the floor in a disheveled heap, blubbering like a baby, bringing her knees to her chest, sobbing in them.

Jahseh was becoming even more upset at the way she was being defiant and even had thoughts of kicking the door down, but he figured she was frightened enough, and wanted to mask his intentions especially after telling her he wasn't going to hurt her. He wanted to be the good guy for now . Leaning forward Jahseh rested his forehead on the cold door and closed his eyes, flexing his jaw as he listened to her crying. "Will watching Wow Wow Wubbzy cheer you up baby girl?" He asked, in a guttural voice, trying desperately to hide the anger laced in his tone. He wanted to slap the hell out himself. 

He hated that fucking show and she knew it, but he wanted her to perk up at the idea of him at least trying to make amends. "I'm not asking but telling you to please open this door for daddy  so he can wipe those tears of yours. It's crazy you're so fucking beautiful when you cry... please mamas" He thought of Stokeley and damn near laughed. He knew his vrother would get on him and call him pussy whipped if he heard him being a sap behind closed doors. Lilly uncovered her face exposing her tear-stained face and stared at the door with big doe eyes.She looked  like a naive girl which she pretty much was because she was contemplating on opening the door because of a woo of words.

Still, against her better judgement, she trudged towards the thick wooden door, halting as her fingers clasped around the L-shaped knob, knowing that she couldn't run if he decided to punish her still. While wiping her eyes, Lilly made the unwise decision to unlock and open the door, almost immediately being gripped by the arm and drug into a bedroom by Jahseh. Once the door was closed, Lilly 's weeping became more prominent as she realized that she had been deceived by her lover and would have to deal with whatever penalty her caregiver decided to dish out.Still she decided to thrash around wildly, her fingernails digging into her lover's forearm, pleading for him to stop as he tried his best to restrain her. Crying hysterically she continued to thrash around refusing for her tushy to go through that pain again. "Noooooo!" she whined, hiccuped, and cried at the same time. "L-Let go daddy pwease me sowwy," she shrieked in terror just in time before her face met the silk bed sheets and a heavy body on top of her. "Ow!" She yelled as he slapped the pink fuzzy handcuffs around her wrist tightening it and then placing on her collar "Kitten".

Holding her down in place, Jahseh began to undo the buttons to the back of her onesie. He knew what he was doing when he purchased her onesies online, he wanted access to the back instead of the front for easy access for when she disobeyed him. He ignored the stiffy in his sweats and flapped back the cotton, displaying her perfect bottom. "You're going to learn to fucking obey me," he snarled, in a low gyrating voice letting the paddle meet her soft ass. Tears rapidly dripped down her chin saturating in the bed sheets as her body jerked up with every hit Jahseh gave her before letting her face meet the bed again.

Her cries and hollers fell on deaf ears as he showed no mercy on her. "Arrrgh ah" she whimpered when he finally stopped. Flipping her over onto her back, he ignored the sight of her face and whimpering and grabbed her by the shoulder, helping her up out of bed. "Fucking walk," he grumbled annoyed at the sight of her legs wobbling. Stopping at the wall, Jahseh dug in his pocket and pulled out a quarter and pushed his hand down on Lilly's shoulder urging her to get on her knees. She struggled due to the cuffs but she eventually did.  As she did he put the quarter against the wall and she instantly began boohooing, hating this type of punishment. Glancing up at him through blurred tears. "Daddyyyyy," she blubbered, shaking her head rapidly. "Bro I swear to fucking!" He barked, raising his hand tempting to smack her tushy.. Lilly's eyes widened in fear and she instantly pressed her nose against the wall. Jahseh slid the quarter in front of her nose with ease. "Fucking obey me Lilly," Leaving her there Jahseh left the room and slammed the door shut behind him advancing down the stairs ignoring Lilly's wailing.


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