Enji scoffed when he saw it, and he practically shoved Toshinori into the bathroom.

"So what are we watching then?" God man has such a deep voice, his wet hair draped down his forehead and his shirt was so tight on him that it had moulded to the shape of all of his muscles.

"You should keep your hair like that more, and Sweeney Todd." I held up the movie and his face froze, I noticed his face get a little pink, but even with that he still looked like he had just drank sour milk.

He cleared his throat, "Yeah.... Sweeny Todd sounds...... good."

The awkward moment was interrupted by Toshinori coming out of the bathroom, his long hair that was no longer gelled up fell on his face and he wore a dragon onesie.

It was hard for me to contain my laughter and Enji simply just pinched his nose bridge before going into the kitchen, no doubt to start on the popcorn or to order something. Toshi grabbed my hand and pushed me in the bathroom before flashing me a bright smile and shutting the door in my face. I sighed, rolled my eyes and locked the door.

The windows and mirror where already fogged up, the floor slippy from the spots of water that had escaped from the shower. I started the shower and adjusted the water. I started to undress looking at myself in the mirror as I did, the bruises from today where already showing up. I sighed and got in, the warm water hitting my back and running down my legs.

Outside the door I started to hear two raised voices but I couldn't decipher what they where saying but I could tell that it was an argument that was going to turn rather nasty if I didn't step in.

I finished in the shower and pulled on a pair or shorts and a tank top before stepping outside to see a very red Enji and Toshinori sending a glare to him. Once they noticed my presence they both started to talk at the same time before looking at each other, glaring, and going back to talking at me. God we've been here for what, half an hour? And their already arguing, can't we just have one night?

Luckily a buzz at the door gave me an excuse to leave the two of them. I opened the door, and to my surprise stood the black haired boy who was at the entrance exam today holding the food we ordered. Not really the place that I expected a wannabe hero would be working, I mean uber eats?

"Uhhh did you order (F/F),kuzumochi and fried tobiuo?" He asked unsurely with a look on his face that suggested he recognised me too and was embarrassed to be caught.

Kuzumochi- Kuzumochi are 葛餅 are mochi cakes made of kuzuko. 久寿餅 are mochi cakes made of Lactobacillales' fermented wheat starch. It is local special dish in special wards of Tokyo. Those are traditionally served chilled, topped with kuromitsu and kinako.

Tobiuo- Flying fish ("Tobiuo" in Japanese) is the seasonal fish of June and July. The broth that is served with it is called as "Ago Dashi" and is used for the soup for Udon or Ramen. "Ago" is the dialect around Nagasaki, and it means flying fish.

I flashed him a bright smile before answering; "Yeah that would be it, how much do I owe?"

He looked slightly relived and calmer the second the smile made it's way onto my face and seemed to spread onto his somewhat, his smile looked unnatural, like it was one of the first times he had ever done it. "2966.77 yen." He replied with his face still in the contorted smile.

I fished my purse out from the dish by the door and pulled the right amount of money from it. We exchanged them and before he went he looked at me.

"See you in UA." With that he winked, smirked and walked off. My cheeks heated up, I shook it off and shut the door. I walked to the kitchen and put all the food on the plates and grabbed some napkins and cutlery. I walked to the lounge where both Enji and Toshi where sat on the sofa. The second Toshinori saw me he got up and helped me.

Thaw my heart (Enji Todoroki x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now