Chapter 3

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"Oi i'm up here stupid." He bent down and slipped his index finger underneath my chin lifting up my face to meet his. I was probably as red as a weasleys hair by now, if not more.

I stayed in my frozen state as Enji let out a hearty laugh, stood back up and stuck his hand out for me. Once again I became very interested in the ground as I stood up ignoring the large hand very obviously in front of me.

After that we silently made our way down the road, the skies above us starting to go foggy and grey. We eventually reached the fork in the road that we usually split up on. I looked up to Enji, who was looking down at me.

"I'll be where I was, when I was this morning tomorrow." And with that he patted my head and went his way to his house. I smiled to myself for a second before realising I was in public smiling to myself in the middle of a pavement alone,  I quickly rushed home.

Once I got home I realised how hungry I was, my throat was parched. I ran into my room, connected my phone to my bed and put on a random song. The volume was loud but not loud enough to disturb my neighbours. I grabbed a pan and a pot, along with my ingredients, I'm going to eat gooooooddd tonight.

I started by filling the pot with some water and putting some chilli noodles on, I put the slightest dash of chinese spice, mint and chili in with it as well as some yellow pepper chunks an left it to cook away. After doing this I put some eggs on along with some bacon on the pan, for a few minutes I stood and stirred the pot until I heard a roll of thunder and a few droplets of water hit my window. A few turned into many as I smiled looking outside, as if on cue F/S started to play and my smile grew. I started to belt out the lyrics as loud as possible, the rain like a chorus of background singers. I snapped out of my trance when I heard clapping from behind me, and cautiously I turned around, spoon in hand, ready to beat someone's arse.

I was met with the smug face of Enji Todoroki.

"How did you get into my apartment?!" He chuckled before grabbing two bowls from the cupboard, I looked at him in disgust as he continued to dish the food up evenly between the two.

Eventually after handing me a bowl and a fork he spoke.

"I know where you keep your spare key, also I forgot to ask you for my water bottle back from earlier." I looked up at him, then back down to my bowl. I had forgotten about the bottle too but was it a bad thing if it led to this moment?

"Right, makes sense, I'll go get it now." I set down my bowl and went into my room to grab my bag and the water bottle that was inside of it. I faltered when it came to going back out, i'm sure he could've just asked for it tomorrow when he came by.

The rest of the evening went by well after he left, however I couldn't stop asking myself why he had to come by for it even though he would come by anyway.

Maybe I'm just overthinking it? Maybe he needed it that exact moment?

or maybe?

For the next few days everything went on as normal, my nerves slowly building up until friday. Nothing was said about that night between Enji and I, confirming my belief that i was just overthinking it. Having said that, even Toshi had noticed how jumpy Enji had gotten. The training sessions with him became harder as the days went by and by thursday I was as achy and nervous. Thursday night felt like the longest night of my life, but eventually friday came around and my insides turned into jesters, doing backflips and juggling with my nerves.

Today was the day where my life was decided. Today was the UA physical entrance exam.

WOIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII 3 WEEKS NO FALTER BAIBYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY, why I wonder what will happen next >:3 This was maybeeeeeeeee a filler, and boy oh boy are the next few juicy ;)

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