Chapter 18: The Bedroom Solution

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"-I am telling you, that thing was straight out of some steampunk movie!" said Adrien while unlocking their hotel appartment.

"Right? Even got the chance to try it twice since a certain blond boy got the directions confused..." sighed Marinette behind him. "But I admit, it was quite charming."

"The steampunk tram or me getting lost?"

Marinette gave him back his black coat. "Why not both?"

I love her light sass, thought Adrien as he changed his shoes.

The appartment's lights lit up automatically when they entered.

"Are you sure you don't want anything to eat?" asked Adrien.

Marinette puffed, sick in the face at the idea of forcing down a single other calorie. "Have Mercy... "

"I just realized that we will be able to join the hotel's restaurant from now."

"So no more cooking sessions?" said Marinette, disappointed.

"I suppose Fate couldn't stand seeing me obliterate the art of cooking any longer."

"Come on, you weren't that bad."

"Marinette. I was terrible. But I won't miss a chance to cook if it means staying with you." He sent her a smile  She played with a streak of her hair nervously.

"What is it?"

She looked up suddenly realizing what she was doing. "Nothing. It's Uh... Well, I am scared of what people will say about us."

Adrien frowned. Come on, Marinette, there is nothing to fear now. Adrien was only now slowly realizing how the years of constant emotional abuse from Chloe and her flock of cows impacted her and her self worth.

I have to help with that.

She thinks she is not worthy of me. I am not perfect, Marinette. Please, please, please stop thinking that. I am not. Once she realizes...

"Look. The photo is getting extreme positive reactions. Everyone loves it! And everyone loves you!" Adrien saw Chloe's toxic comment about Marinette just being Adrien's ridiculous side hoe but chose to ignore it and scrolled down his other notifications. "Oh crap."

Marinette looked up. "What is it?"

"I missed twelve messages from Nathalie. It seems kind of urgent."

"Oh. Well, I am going to take a shower and leave you to it, okay?"

"Alright." sighed Adrien, preparing himself for the storm. Did Father see the photo? Will he demand me to take it down? Or to break up with her? He can damn try.

Thankfully, that didn't seem to be the case. At least yet. Nathalie informed him that Gabriel would be very busy in the upcoming days - well, even more busy than usual - planning something, and that absolutely all communication would be handled through her. Fantastic. So Father continues to put his Family on the very last spot. Whatever. At least I have peace from him.

Adrien's schedule got updated as well, meaning he would start with real tutors, go out on photoshoots and start fencing. Soon.

Adrien sent a simple 'Ok' adding the word ', boomer' in his head.


Before Marinette could think in peace about why Adrien felt so guilty about Chat Noir and before she could face her own guilt about leaving Paris, her phone, connecting to the wifi, buzzed like crazy. All of her friends spammed her with hearts and smirking emojis.

Alya: Girl. E x p l a i n. :OOOOOOO

Marinette: It just... happened.

Alya: My biggest ship just happened! I am so so so happy, pumpkin.

Marinette: Me too. Feeling better?

Alya: Not quite. But this... This does put a smile on my face!

Marinette: Oh no...

Alya: What?

Marinette: My dad.

Alya: Your dad what?

Marinette: He liked the photo.

Alya: Oof.

Marinette: I should have never helped them create the social media accounts! Ok, this is way too cringe and weird...


Adrien relaxed into his chair when he heard the shower going off, staring out of a window. She thinks she doesn't deserve me...

Plagg stretched out his legs, yawning. "Thanks for throwing me that goat cheese while she wasn't looking, pal."

"Why am I such an idiot, Plagg?"

"What makes you say that?" frowned Plagg.

"I left Paris and I even openly showed to Hawkmoth that I am gone. And.. To Ladybug. She will see that I abandoned her."

"Yeah?" smirked Plagg as if he was on some joke that Adrien didn't know about.

"Yeah. I left her."

Plagg shook his head disapprovingly. "As if you had a choice."

"I did. I could have given the ring to someone else."

"So... You are saying you regret not getting rid of me at the first opportunity?"

"What? No, I didn't mean it like that. I just... God, what is going on with me." Adrien hugged his knees. "I am a horrible Chat Noir. And Adrien is the same. Marinette..." Adrien's face danced with hidden emotions.

Plagg shook his head. "Love does weird things to your brain, kid. Try a cheese instead."

"Don't you understand that I am afraid I will leave her too?" snapped Adrien just as the bathroom door opened.

"What is it? Who are you leaving?" said Marinette, brushing her hair. Her loose, amazing hair... "Hopefully not me?" she giggled, half joking, half nervous.

"What? Oh, I, uh" Adrien put a phone to his ear and pretended to say goodbyes and hang up. "You know, I was talking to Nathalie. I am afraid of leaving... The league. The fencing league. I have a match soon, but I haven't fenced in a while, so I don't want to loose..."

"Oh. I understand. Silly Adrien. I know you will win."

Adrien swallowed. Not with you on my mind, he thought, looking at her hair, her body and-
He shook out of it after her glance, staring at his feet instead with a blush.

"I am tired of the couch, Adrien. It's too small and uncomfortable." Marinette said at last. "The bedroom is way better."

"Oh." said Adrien, looking down. That much for that. Always give girls space, Adrien. "I understand." He stood there awkwardly before he jumped up and started preparing the couch for himself.

He heard Marinette clear her throat. "Adrien?"

"Yes, Marinette?" he said way too gentlemanly.

"You are expected as well." she winked to the bedroom.


Hey, just a quick update, I don't feel so great physically, emotionaly and school is doing some not so fun stuff so I recommend putting this story on your reading list so it doesn't get lost since I have no clue when I will have the strength to update.

Love you guys :3

Quarantine In PragueOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora