Chapter 1: The Luckiest

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Marinette held back the loudest scream of panic. Her hands trembled as she grabbed her phone and texted the bedridden Alya.

Marinette: RED ALERT!

Seconds felt like eternity before Alya finally responded.

Alya: What's going on? Did you get sick too? :( It seems like everyone gets it...

Marinette: No. Adrien!

Alya:  -.-

Alya: You don't have to text me every time he walks in a ten meter radius, Mari. I was sleeping, thank you very much...

Marinette: No, no. You don't understand. He asked me - ME - if I wanted to go to Prague with him for a while! To escape from the virus!

Alya: Oh. Let me guess. You stuttered, trembled like a squirrel on too much caffeine, pointed to all sides, and then screamed and babbled out some embarrassing way of basically saying "No thanks Adrien, I have better things to do that hang out with you" and now you are crying about it.

Marinette: No. Worse.

*  *  *  *  *  *  *

 20 minutes ago.

Honestly, there was really no reason to go to school that day. No one could blame her for not going,.. More than half her classmates were either sick or had parents that were too afraid to let them out in fears of catching it and even then, the winter winds outside sometimes felt like a warzone, sending her running from cover to cover... and the sweet, soft blankets kept her so warm. Most of their schoolwork was done at home anyways.  So again, was there any reason?

Marinette turned around in her bed and looked at her photo-plastered wall. Yes, there is a reason. A very blond reason. She didn't know how many days there were left before... before the schools would close. Again.

And so with a sudden jolt of desperate energy, she flew out of her bed, throwing on her mask hastily.

She got to school a short while later, (on time, actually) and saw her class - (or what was left of it) gathered around the entrance, a bit confused.Oh no, Marinette thought as pushed to the entrance with her heart fearing the worst.

And there it was.

Collège Françoise Dupont - Closed.

Her classmate's reactions were mixed. Kim was thrilled, since his father built him a little gym at home, so he no longer really had any reasons to go to school anyways. Max was thrilled enough at the opportunity to be shut at home, free to explore tech and programming in his little cave-of-a-room to no end with no social judgement attached and Nathaniel drooled over the reality of being able to sleep after his all-nighters of suddenly-inspired jolts of artistic genius that came on him every now and then. 

 It seemed there was no joy left for Marinette in the group. How can they be so happy...?  Sure, Marinette loved fashion, but doing just fashion all day everyday scared her - wouldn't she turn mad or something? Or would she just rewatch Friends and Avatar:The Last Airbender, over and over? Her heart sank harder than the revenues of the restaurant business during the pandemic. She loved her friends and the few weeks without Alya by her side were rough... Marinette loved every moment outside, with those she cared about. She loved going to school, she loved talking with people, she loved doing stuff and she also loved... she loved-

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