The truth

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It had been 9 months since I had seen or even talked to Draco. I had sent him a few letters;

October 30th


I'm sorry, please forgive me it was so wrong of me

- y/n

November 10th


How is everything? I'm worried about you

- y/n

December 23rd

Hey Draco,

Have a great Christmas

- from, y/n

March 31st


Goodbye Draco, I miss you to much to keep trying to love someone that doesn't want to love me back

- I wish you the best, Y-n

And my final letter:

June 5th

Happy birthday.


Since writing the letters Draco hasn't returned and has responded to one.

"Y/n are you up here!" George said as he scrambled to find me.

"Yes George I'm here" I say quietly.

"Malfoy, y/n, Malfoy's back." George said frantically out of breath. My eyes lift off my dirty black shoes and lock with his.

"What did you say" I say with a confused look on my face.

"Y/n, he's back" he says with a smile on his face.

"Thank you George" I hug him and run to the great hall.

There he was, Draco Malfoy, the boy I loved, well still love... I think? We were on opposite sides of the giant Hall but our eyes met and it was like we were stuck. we both couldn't move. I could feel my mouth was slightly opened like you do when your in some type of shock and my eyes wide. His face in some blank expression but you could see in his eyes he was shocked and maybe sad.

"Draco!" It was his bitch dad Lucius calling him over.

"Goodbye" I say quietly to my self and walk away.

It was the same night, and I couldn't sleep I check my alarm clock at it was 3:30am 'what teacher would be out at this time' I thought to my self. I decided to go on a walk to clear my mind. I ended up at the bottom of the astronomy tower stairs and take a deep breath. I haven't been up to the astronomy tower since the night Draco left. The stairs still felt never ending and the cool brisk breeze felt so good, the memories of me and Draco flooded back, the night I told me he was a death eater, the picnics we would have up here, the days we would skip class, the day he left me.
It was 570 steps to the top. I pushed open the wooden creaky door and took a deep breath and went in. I went to the railings and looked over the whole of Hogwarts "what has this place turned into" I say to my self. A faint sound of a male crying started to echo. I followed the faint crying till I was at this old cupboard that used to be filled with extra broom sticks, "do it" I say to my self and swing open the doors. "Omg" I say as I'm surprised. "Draco, are you okay?"

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