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Mattheo woke up instantly "Fuck." He said aggressively, "We can't do this again!"

"Obviously." But it was a lie I enjoyed the night and actually had fun.

"Hello are their any students up here?" A crispy old voice projected.

"Omg follow me" I said instantly and held out my hand.

Mattheo grabbed my hand and we ran and finally reached a tall wooden cupboard, "Get in," mattheo hesitated "I'm not bloody going in there with you." He said sharply. "Oh suck it up" I shoved him in then jumped in straight after.

Me and him stood facing each other body's almost touching, "I'm here to kill you." Mattheo blurted.

"What?!" I questioned.

"Y/n my father sent me here to kill you." He looked down.

"What why!"

"Your mother broke his heart when they were younger, and he wants to break hers." He looked up and into my eyes.

"I-I think the coast is clear, we should get going." I rushed out and ran down the hundreds of stairs and sprinted to my dorm to get ready before anyone noticed.

"Hey y/n, where have you been?"

"Oh hey Draco, I just went for some air this morning." I tried to acted innocent, Draco couldn't find out what I did last night and who I ended up falling asleep on.

"Oh really, then why did your head of house pronounce you as missing last night and this morning." Dracos eyes changed. they were angry. he was angry.

"Draco I can explain, let me expla-" I tried to finish my sentence.

"Hey bitches get ready slytherin party this afternoon, and of course y/n you are invited even though you are in gryffindork we have seem to have adopted you." The tall tan boy announced to the few people in the Slytherin commons.

"Thanks Blaise" I showed a small smile then walked away.

"Blondie what's wrong with misses." Blaise asked Draco bumping him on the shoulder.

"She's cheating on me, I know it." The blonde boy thew back at Blaise.

"Oh shit man, do you know who with?"

"I am convinced it's riddle." Draco said in anger.

"What are you going to do about it?" Blaise asked.

"Going to get down to the bottom of this."

Later that day

"Oi riddle!" Draco shouted down the Halls.

"And you are?" Mattheo answered with hate in his voice.

"Draco, besides the point, you coming to the party tonight, slytherins only."

"Mmm I'll see." Mattheo just turned around and walk away.

"Hey y/n, I- I'm sorry for this morning, but what happened was a mistake" Mattheo said to me not looking at me once.

"I agree. But are you seriously here to hurt me?"

Mattheo's eyes perked up making contact with mine.

"I don't want to hurt you y/n"

"Then don't, don't hurt me. I'll stay away from you and you stay away from me." I panicked

"Goodbye y/n."

Slytherin party

"Hey Draco!" It was hard to hear over the blaring music so I placed a hand on his shoulder.

"Oh hey y/n" he showed a small smile.

"Aight boys and lady let's get this fucking party started!" Blaise came rushing in with small bags of white powder.

"Y/n you joining?"

"I've don't it before"

"Common gryffindork, one line?!" Blaise said as he grabbed my hand and pulled me over to the table.

"Eh let's fucking try it!" I said as I grabbed a grabbed and downed a shot.

"God damn Draco she's hot." Blaise whispered into his ear.

"Common mate." Draco rolled his eyes and slapped Blaise's chest.

"Mind if I join." It was the tall brunette boy.

"Nah mate come sit." Blaise said as he slapped his back as a greeting.

Then he saw me, and I saw him. Last night replayed in my mind, we only sat there but there was so Much sexual tention I know he felt it to.

"I thought it was slytherins only." He said with Venom in his voice.

"She's Dracos girl, she's the only exception." One of the Slytherin boys replied back.

"Is that so?" Mattheo said tilting his head as he was intrigued.

Je hebt het einde van de gepubliceerde delen bereikt.

⏰ Laatst bijgewerkt: Feb 09, 2021 ⏰

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