Hes acting weird

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It had been a few weeks since everyone had grunted from winter break. Hermione and the boys were so supportive of me and Draco, it felt nice that I had true friends that would stick with me no matter what. Draco and me had been good but he's starting to get distant and he would make trips home, which he never really ever did.

You and Draco hadnt seen each other for almost 3 weeks except for a few times when we would cross paths in class. I was worried about him and wanted to figure out if he was okay or not, so you write on a small piece of paper,

'Draco meet me in the room of requirements at noon. You feel distant.
- y/n'

I fold it into a small bird and blow it away with a spell and hope it reaches Draco.

You rush to get your books and robe and head out of the the commons with Hermione and the boys, "you and Draco doing anything this afternoon" Hermione asks.

"I asked him to meet me in the room of requirements, but I haven't heard back yet."

"Well hope you have fun, see you at lunch."

Hermione and the boys break off and head to potions and you head to defence of the dark arts with professor Snape. But You catch Draco in the corner of your eye, "Draco!"

"Y/n hey" he says as he wraps his arms around you and kisses your forehead.
"Did you receive my letter."

"Yea, about that y/n I would love to but I have something on this afternoon... I'll catch you later."

"O-okay, bye" you go in for a kiss but he doesn't notice and he walks off.

He was acting to suspicious, it is worrying me. i-is he okay? First and second period had passed and you decided to meet Hermione and Harry in the commons.

"Where's Ron" I ask.

"He's got detention with Finch" Harry responded.

"Do you need to meet Draco?" Hermione asked.

"No he's said he's busy, but somethings not right I know it."

"Do you want me and Harry to figure it out?" Hermione asks.

"Could you please! I'm worried about him."

"No problem we will follow him and tell you what happens" Harry exclaimed.

"Thanks guys this mean a lot, I'll be in the library studying."

A few hours had passed and you see Hermione and Harry rushing towards you.
"Y/n! Y/n!" Hermione screamed. "Draco, dr-Draco hes a death eater."

"No! that's impossible, Voldemort's gone. Harry. you said Voldemort was gone!" I say as a tear almost fell down my face.

"Y/n Voldemort's missing not dead, there is a possibility." Harry said worried.

"No! Draco isn't a death eater, he- he wouldn't do that."

"Sometimes they have no choice" Hermione exclaimed as she wrapped her arms around me.

"Are a-a-are you sure, how do you know for sure" you say as you weep.

"He was with all the other death eaters on Diagon alley in a shop hidden at the back surrounding a wardrobe thing" Harry responded.

How could Draco do this? Is it true? Is Draco really a death eater? Questions flooded my head and I collapsed, "Im going to loose him" you wail.

"Come here" Hermione said as she grabbed your head and force your head into her lap, "it's going to be okay."

"I-If hes a new death eater... tha-that means that Voldemort is back." You exclaim.

"What are we going to do Harry" Hermione asks.

"We will be ready, we know he's coming, that means we are one step ahead" he responds.

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